Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for open-source

236 items tagged “open-source”


Croquet. Open-source collaborative virtual world environment built on top of Squeak, a bit like a decentralised version of Second Life.

# 10th June 2007, 10:50 am / secondlife, croquet, squeak, virtualworld, open-source, smalltalk

google-diff-match-patch (via) Robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text, in Java, JavaScript and Python.

# 9th June 2007, 6:15 pm / neil-fraser, google, open-source, diff, java, javascript, python

Semi-synchronous replication for MySQL (via) Google’s patch for MySQL which enables more reliable master-slave replication (a transaction isn’t committed until at least one slave has replicated the data).

# 5th June 2007, 10:07 pm / mysql, google, open-source, philippearson, replication, masterslave

Ten Reasons The World Needs Patent Covenants (via) Sun just made their OpenID patent covenant official. Simon Phipps explains why these are a Good Idea.

# 22nd May 2007, 5:09 pm / openid, sun, tim-bray, simon-phipps, patents, open-source

Arduino. Open source hardware hacking. It’s way easier than you would think.

# 17th May 2007, 6:30 pm / open-source, hardware, arduino, hardware-hacking

VirtualBox. GPL licensed virtualization software; they recently released an OS X version.

# 8th May 2007, 9:35 pm / virtualization, virtualbox, open-source, gpl

MSFT and Yahoo: two icebergs, roped together. Yahoo!’s engineering platform and culture is Open Source pretty much all the way down. Microsoft’s isn’t. I wonder how that would pan out.

# 4th May 2007, 5:50 pm / microsoft, open-source, yahoo

Adobe open sources Flex. Ted Leung says that this might indicate the possibility of Adobe open sourcing Flash itself in the future.

# 26th April 2007, 11:24 am / flash, adobe, ted-leung, open-source, flex

New Open Source Utility Library for the Google Maps API (via) Google are taking a hybrid approach to development on their Maps API—an open source utility library layered on top of their closed source, obfuscated core code.

# 23rd March 2007, 9:09 pm / google, google-maps, open-source

opensource @ Joost. Joost is built on top of Mozilla, Redland, SQLite and a bunch of other bits and pieces of Open Source infrastructure.

# 12th March 2007, 1:29 pm / joost, open-source, mozilla

Mono-based device wins Best-of-Show at CES. “The Sansa Connect is running Linux as its operating system, and the whole application stack is built on Mono, running on an ARM processor.”

# 17th January 2007, 11:21 pm / mono, linux, hardware, ces, open-source

Correo. New open-source OS X mail client, based on Thunderbird but with a Camino-style native interface.

# 12th January 2007, 11:36 am / open-source, camino, correo, mail, mozilla, osx, thunderbird

Apple doesn't give a damn. Steve Jobs doesn't build platforms, except by accident. He doesn't care about your thriving metropolis. All you independent Mac developers: you're all sharecroppers, and your rent just went up. Way up.

Mark Pilgrim

# 12th January 2007, 9:51 am / open-source, osx, iphone, sharecropping, steve-jobs, apple, mark-pilgrim

The Second Life Viewer is now open-source (via) I’d heard that the biggest barrier to this was the need to protect the SL economy from malicious disruption. The FAQ is fascinating, and a real tribute to open-source principles.

# 8th January 2007, 6:47 pm / secondlife, open-source


GWT 1.3 Release Candidate is 100% Open Source. At least you can see how the code generator works now.

# 12th December 2006, 5:50 pm / gwt, javascript, open-source, google

Microsoft versus FOSS Configuration Management. Why the Free Software world’s source control works and Vista’s apparently doesn’t.

# 7th December 2006, 9:28 am / microsoft, open-source, sourcecontrol

I want my OpenID! Open ID code bounties worth $5,000. Could this kickstart adoption?

# 28th July 2006, 4:02 pm / openid, bounty, open-source

What are some good software development/open source blogs? is an endlessly entertaining guide to how not to develop software.

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Yahoo! UI Library. Open Source JavaScript widgets and libraries.

# 14th February 2006, 1:12 am / yui, yahoo, open-source, javascript

DHS Funding Open Source Security. Paying for “source code analysis technology” coverage of Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL and more.

# 17th January 2006, 10:18 pm / security, open-source, dhs, linux, apache, postgresql


Taking charge of your own destiny

Scoble has posted 12 reasons that Web 2.0 entrepreneurs are steering clear of the Microsoft platform. It’s an interesting list (the comments are full of treats too) but for me it misses the key reason that open source development tools are so compelling: they put you in charge of your own destiny.

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Enter the hedgehog

The Ubuntu community have released Hoary Hedgehog, otherwise known as Ubuntu 5.04. If you haven’t tried Ubuntu yet, it’s an excellent Linux distribution based on Debian with a strong focus on desktop usability. Unlike most Linux distros, Ubuntu comes with just one desktop manager (Gnome) and one obvious default application for each of the essentials: Firefox for browsing, OpenOffice for office work, Evolution for mail.

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The good and the ugly has a new feature on their search page—a really nice implementation of an auto complete text widget in Javascript. Even better, the search page is valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and uses CSS for the layout. Let’s hope this is an indication of things to the come for the rest of the site, which still mostly consists of tag soup.

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Free books

I like free books (who doesn’t?), so when a story on Slashdot asked for book recommendations I started a thread asking for links to free technical books available online. Here’s a list compiled from the thread:

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