Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for london

56 posts tagged “london”


For a first-time visitor but longtime Anglophile, what’s essential to see and do in London?

Don’t spend too much time on the tube. It’s fast and convenient (and a marvellous piece of Victorian engineering) but its often better to walk if your journey is less than three stops. London is a delightful city to walk around, and you’re certain to see all sorts of interesting buildings on a 10 minute walk through any area. Get a data SIM for your phone and use your maps app to avoid getting lost and you’ll have the freedom to explore all kinds of interesting streets that most tourists who stick to the tube for everything completely miss.

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How do I get inside Battersea Power Station?

I think it’s available to hire as a venue—there was a conference there called the PowerOfOne last year.

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Where can I find great Java/Scala developers in London?

There are quite a few Scala events in London—here are the ones we know about at the moment:

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Where are the best places to go in London on a weekend for free?

Just walk. One of the joys of London is that any walk you take is guaranteed to turn up interesting architecture and surprises. I once spent an afternoon walking from Paddington to Tate Modern and saw loads of fascinating places that I had no idea were there. Use Google maps and look out for interesting looking squares, parks and back streets. These days I also tend to pop open Foursquare’s “Explore” tab every now and then to see if I’m walking near something particularly interesting.

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How could Sherlock be improved?

Watson needs to be more competent. Jude Law’s Watson is significantly more useful than Martin Freeman’s—Watson is a military man and a doctor, and is hence useful for far more than just bumbling around with a quizzical expression and updating his blog.

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Which tech startups in London have been funded in 2011?

We (Lanyrd) raised our seed round in 2011—we’re based near Old Street.

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What technical conferences or get togethers take place in London during the summer?

July and August are the quiet season for conferences (since many people are on holiday during those months—the larger events tend to stick to March to June or September to November).

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What are the best event sites/listings for London? is a fantastic events listing site for unconventional arty/cultural events—lots of interesting guest lectures, open houses, guided walks etc.


TfL Live Traffic Cameras. Part of the new set of APIs released by the Greater London Authority—a list of 177 live traffic camera feeds from around London, all geocoded.

# 17th June 2010, 7:14 pm / apis, cameras, london, tfl, webcams, recovered


Chris Heathcote: loca london. Chris’s new guide to exhibitions in London is presented as an enormous (5100px wide) page with horizontal and vertical scrollbars—as Chris points out, this interface may be a bit clumsy with a mouse but it works wonderfully well on touchpads and touchscreens.

# 3rd September 2009, 6:28 pm / design, chris-heathcote, london, crawlbar, horizontal

IanVisits: London Events Calendar. Ian Mansfield maintains a superb calendar of cultural (and geeky) events in London. Lectures, tours, bat walks, film screenings... did you know there’s a Festival of Model Tramways this weekend?

# 16th July 2009, 7:22 pm / ian-mansfield, ian-visits, calendar, events, london

London’s abandoned Underground Stations on Google Street View. “The network is littered with buildings that belonged to stations that closed their doors to the public because routes were changed and diverted, or because there was just too little traffic to make them viable. Here are some of the remnants of disused Underground stations that you can see on Google’s Street View of London.”

# 14th April 2009, 2:51 pm / google, martin-belam, streetview, underground, london


Places to see in London (for geeks). My geek-oriented guide to London attractions that you may not hear about otherwise, updated for this year’s overseas FOWA attendees. Suggestions for additions welcome.

# 8th October 2008, 2:54 pm / geeks, london, maps, googlemymaps, fowa2008

Silicon Roundabout. Matt Biddulph maps the abundance of interesting startups and tech companies that have popped up around Old Street in London.

# 28th July 2008, 1:36 am / london, startups, matt-biddulph, oldstreet, siliconroundabout

ORG verdict on London Elections: “Insufficient evidence” to declare confidence in results. Electronic voting strikes again. Also of interest: the audit conducted by KPMG can’t be published due to “commercial confidentiality”.

# 2nd July 2008, 10:36 am / kpmg, audit, elections, london, org, openrightsgroup, electronicvoting

Capital FM London Traffic Map. We launched this today at GCap (née Global Radio). I’m particularly impressed with how well the team handled clustering the traffic cameras on the Google map.

# 27th June 2008, 6:22 pm / gcap, google-maps, clustering, traffic, capitalfm, london

Django Users Group London meetup, 19th of May. The inaugural meeting of DJUGL will be on the 19th of May at the Capital Radio building in Leicester Square, sponsored by GCap Media. Three presentations starting at 7pm (I’ll be giving one of them), then on to the pub. Sign up on EventWax; there are only 70 places.

# 2nd May 2008, 12:19 pm / django, python, london, djugl, gcap, gcapmedia, events

London Connections. Marvellously obsessive blog about the vagaries of London transport, including some really nice custom created maps. I love detailed maps of tube stations; anyone know a good place to find them?

# 2nd April 2008, 8:53 pm / londonconnections, maps, mapping, london, transport

mydeco. Major new Django-powered start-up has launched, based in London.

# 8th February 2008, 11:43 am / django, mydeco, london, startup


BarCampLondon3. 24th-25th of November in Google’s London offices (by Victoria train station). The last BarCamp London was a blast—I’m really looking forward to this.

# 10th October 2007, 5:20 pm / barcamp, barcamplondon, london, google

mySociety Disruptive Technology Talks. Four great talks coming up in London this Autumn, courtesy of the lovely folk at mySociety.

# 24th September 2007, 5:51 pm / mysociety, talks, london Nicely designed new local business review site, London only but going UK wide soon. OpenID enabled!

# 4th July 2007, 8:24 pm / openid, local, london, welovelocal

How to travel by train from London to Vilnius. Nat and I are thinking about doing this for EuroPython. Could be a bit of an adventure.

# 16th June 2007, 1:34 am / adventure, europython, train, london, vilnius

Eat Brain At Fleshmob This Saturday. Zombie fleshmob on Saturday afternoon somewhere near the Thames.

# 5th April 2007, 5:59 pm / zombies, fleshmob, flashmod, london, londonist

Google My Maps: Bodeans. I’ve been talking about how useful a simple tool for creating custom maps would be for ages... looks like Google beat me to it. Here’s one I created showing the location of Bodeans, an excellent Kansas-style BBQ joint in Soho, London. It’s a shame the URLs suck.

# 5th April 2007, 5:40 pm / mymaps, maps, london, google-maps, bodeans, bbq, soho, google



My heart goes out to all those affected by yesterday’s terrible attack on London. I think it’s safe to say that here in Britain we are shaken but not stirred—the response here from both the emergency services and the Great British Public has been inspiring. To my knowledge, my friends and relatives are all safe. Thanks to all who asked after me.

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