Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 8th July 2005

Blake Ross: The new Firefox tag line (via) Blake claims this is a true story. If it is, wow!

# 1:36 am

Fuel For The Web. Ajax makes the front cover of Information Week.

# 1:41 am

My Roskilde Festival 2005 photos. I had a fantastic holiday.

# 1:42 am

From floors to mud... BBC Outside Broadcasts’ account of covering Glastonbury.

# 1:45 am

Three Blind ICMP Attacks. Three ICMP vulnerabilities and their solutions.

# 1:50 am


My heart goes out to all those affected by yesterday’s terrible attack on London. I think it’s safe to say that here in Britain we are shaken but not stirred—the response here from both the emergency services and the Great British Public has been inspiring. To my knowledge, my friends and relatives are all safe. Thanks to all who asked after me.

[... 85 words]

Google Firefox Extensions. Google Toolbar, Google Send to Phone and Google Suggest.

# 9:36 am

Dissecting the Google Firefox Toolbar

Google have finally released a Firefox version of the Google Toolbar, with some nice praise for XUL in to the bargain. Of course, the most interesting part of the toolbar from a geeky point of view is the bit that queries Google’s servers for PageRank. Sure enough, if you download the google-toolbar.xpi file, unzip it, then unzip the google-toolbar.jar file within there’s a file called pagerank.js with all of the juicy details.

[... 234 words]

2005 » July
