Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 5th July 2005

Object.prototype is verboten. This is a problem with the popular Prototype library.

# 11:53 am

More Unicode Secrets. Uche expands on some more unicode tricks with Python.

# 11:54 am

Obsoletely Famous. Replacing old tutorials with new ones.

# 11:55 am

AJAXSLT on A pure JavaScript XPath and XSLT implementation. With a really silly name.

# 11:57 am

The state of accessibility in the real world. Screen readers are tricker beasts than you may have imagined.

# 11:58 am—web 2.0 javascript. A pretty impressive collection of modern JavaScript tricks.

# 12:01 pm

Salted Hash Login Generator for Rails. I’ve used the precursor to this, Login Generator, to good effect.

# 12:02 pm

Prototype Effect.Flash. Richard’s been hacking around with Prototype.

# 12:04 pm

Handling International Text with Unicode in Python. A nice straight forward recipe from the Python Cookbook.

# 12:05 pm

View formatted source extension for Firefox (via) I haven’t tried this yet, but apparently it’s a big improvement.

# 12:14 pm

Those darn wikis. Why the LA Times wikitorial failed.

# 12:14 pm

2005 Underhanded C Contest. Write code that looks innocent but does something evil.

# 12:15 pm

Safari RSS databases in Mac OS X Tiger. You can query them using sqlite3—and there are (unintended?) easter eggs.

# 12:35 pm

PHPXMLRPC Library Remote Code Execution (via) IXR is not affected by this vulnerability.

# 3:21 pm

Naked Law (via) A blog about technology law, written by actual lawyers.

# 3:33 pm

VLC 0.8.2 (via) Now with support for Dirac and Apple Lossless Audio.

# 3:38 pm

2005 » July
