Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged python, xml

Filters: python × xml × Sorted by date

Using memory-profiler to debug excessive memory usage in healthkit-to-sqlite. This morning I figured out how to use the memory-profiler module (and mprof command line tool) to debug memory usage of Python processes. I added the details, including screenshots, to this GitHub issue. It helped me knock down RAM usage for my healthkit-to-sqlite from 2.5GB to just 80MB by making smarter usage of the ElementTree pull parser. # 24th July 2019, 8:25 am

minixsv (via) As far as I can tell, this is the only library that can validate XML using pure Python (no C extension required). I’d be extremely happy if someone would write a pure Python library (or one that only depends on ElementTree, which is included in the standard library) for validating XML against a Relax NG Compact syntax schema. Even DTD validation would be better than nothing! # 12th August 2009, 4:59 pm

xmlwitch. An XML building library for Python that doesn’t suck (I love ElementTree for parsing XML, but I’ve never really liked it for generation). Makes smart use of the with statement. # 24th July 2009, 12:33 am

A few notes on the Guardian Open Platform

This morning we launched the Guardian Open Platform at a well attended event in our new offices in Kings Place. This is one of the main projects I’ve been helping out with since joining the Guardian last year, and it’s fantastic to finally have it out in the open.

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How to install lxml python module on mac os 10.5 (leopard). Instructions that work! Finally, I can find out what all the fuss is about. # 15th December 2008, 12:05 am

pyquery. “A jQuery-like library for Python”—implemented on top of lxml, providing jQuery style methods for manipulating an HTML or XML document. # 6th December 2008, 9:53 am

My Universal Feed Parser was conceived as a weapon against what I considered the gravest error of XML: draconian error handling. Recently, someone asked me to implement a switch that makes it not fall back on lax parsing in the case of an XML wellformedness error. I said no, not because it would be difficult to implement, but because that defeats its entire reason for being.

Mark Pilgrim # 5th August 2008, 10:52 pm

PDFMiner. Useful looking PDF parsing library in Python—can produce an XML representation of the text and style information in a PDF document. # 3rd August 2008, 3:29 pm

Protocol Buffers: Google’s Data Interchange Format. Open sourced today. Highly efficient binary protocol for storing and transmitting structured data between C++, Java and Python. Uses a .proto file describing the data structure which is compiled to classes in those languages for serializing and deserializing. 3-10 times smaller and 20-100 times faster than XML. # 8th July 2008, 8:20 am

Atom Models. Building Python classes that act as utility wrappers around data stored in an lxml DOM object. # 7th August 2007, 4:02 pm

Apache Solr 1.1. Solr is the search Web Service built on top of Lucene. The latest release introduces JSON, Python and Ruby response formats in addition to XML. # 13th January 2007, 1:16 am

Ned Batchelder: handyxml. Yet another XML object wrapper for Python, this time with full DOM method support included # 26th January 2004, 2:52 am