Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged postgresql in Feb

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PGlite (via) PostgreSQL compiled for WebAssembly and turned into a very neat JavaScript library. Previous attempts at running PostgreSQL in WASM have worked by bundling a full Linux virtual machine—PGlite just bundles a compiled PostgreSQL itself, which brings the size down to an impressive 3.7MB gzipped. # 23rd February 2024, 3:56 pm

Announcing DuckDB 0.10.0. Somewhat buried in this announcement: DuckDB has Fixed-Length Arrays now, along with array_cross_product(a1, a2), array_cosine_similarity(a1, a2) and array_inner_product(a1, a2) functions.

This means you can now use DuckDB to find related content (and other tricks) using vector embeddings!

Also notable: “DuckDB can now attach MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite databases in addition to databases stored in its own format. This allows data to be read into DuckDB and moved between these systems in a convenient manner, as attached databases are fully functional, appear just as regular tables, and can be updated in a safe, transactional manner.” # 13th February 2024, 5:57 pm

migra (via) This looks like a very handy tool to have around: run “migra postgresql:///a postgresql:///b” and it will detect and output the SQL alter statements needed to modify the first PostgreSQL database schema to match the second. It’s written in Python, running on top of SQLAlchemy. # 26th February 2022, 11:23 pm

Single dependency stacks (via) Brandur Leach notes that the core services at Crunchy (admittedly a PostgreSQL hosting and consultancy company) have only one stateful dependency – Postgres. No Redis, ElasticSearch or anything else. This means that problems like rate limiting and search, which are often farmed out to external services, are all handled using either PostgreSQL or in-memory mechanisms on their servers. # 9th February 2022, 6:43 pm

Django admin customization, JSON in our PostgreSQL

My progress slowed a bit today as I started digging into some things I’m less familiar with—but I’ve found some tricks that I think will help us out a lot.

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Fuzzy Name Matching in Postgres. Paul Ramsey describes how to implement fuzzy name matching in PostgreSQL using the fuzzystrmatch extension and its levenshtein() and soundex() functions, plus functional indexes to query against indexed soundex first and then apply slower Levenshtein. The same tricks should also work against SQLite using the datasette-jellyfish plugin. # 22nd February 2021, 9:16 pm

Cleaning Up Your Postgres Database (via) Craig Kerstiens provides some invaluable tips on running an initial check of the health of a PostgreSQL database, by using queries against the pg_statio_user_indexes table to find the memory cache hit ratio and the pg_stat_user_tables table to see what percentage of queries to your tables are using an index. # 3rd February 2021, 7:32 am

django-zombodb (via) The hardest part of working with an external search engine like Elasticsearch is always keeping that index synchronized with your relational database. ZomboDB is a PostgreSQL extension which lets you create a new type of index backed by an external Elasticsearch cluster. Updated rows will be pushed to the index automatically, and custom SQL syntax can then be used to execute searches. django-zombodb is a brand new library by Flávio Juvenal which integrates ZomboDB directly into the Django ORM, letting you add Elasticsearch-backed functionality with just a few lines of extra configuration. It even includes custom Django migrations for enabling the extension in PostgreSQL! # 13th February 2019, 10:14 pm

Conditional aggregation in Django 2.0 (via) I hadn’t realised how clever this new Django ORM feature by Tom Forbes is. It lets you build an aggregation against a subset of rows, e.g. Client.objects.aggregate(regular=Count(’pk’, filter=Q(account_type=Client.REGULAR)))—then if you are using PostgreSQL it translates it into a fast FILTER WHERE clause, while other databases emulate the same behaviour using a CASE statement. # 3rd February 2018, 9:38 pm

How the Citus distributed database rebalances your data. Citus is a fascinating implementation of database sharding built on top of PostgreSQL primitives. PostgreSQL 10 introduced extremely flexible logical replication—in this post Craig Kerstiens explains how Citus use this new ability to re-balance shards (e.g. when you move from two to four physical PostgreSQL nodes) without downtime. # 1st February 2018, 10:50 pm

jacobian’s django-deployment-workshop. Notes and resources from Jacob’s 3 hour Django deployment workshop at PyCon, including example configuration files for Apache2 + mod_wsgi, nginx, PostgreSQL and pgpool. # 19th February 2010, 2:28 pm

The Django and Ubuntu Intrepid Almanac. Will Larson’s impressively comprehensive guide to configuring and securing an Ubuntu VPS from scratch to run Django, using PostgreSQL and Apache/mod_wsgi behind nginx. # 14th February 2009, 3:42 pm

Finding open locks on Postgresql. May come in useful in the future. # 26th February 2004, 2:33 am