Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 15th January 2007

Designing Google Reader’s trends. “But beyond the visualization, this serves as a good example of collecting and understanding the ambient information that flows through our digital lives.”

# 12:53 am / jeffrey-veen, google-reader, google, visualization, design

Leaving Yahoo!, going freelance

Last Friday was my last day at Yahoo!. I’ve had a fantastic time there, and will really miss working with Tom, Paul and the many other superb Yahoos I’ve had the privilege to meet.

[... 209 words]

Ubuntu Screencasts. Fantastic resource—exactly what Ubuntu (and desktop Linux in general) needs.

# 1:41 am / ubuntu, screencasts, linux

How to enable session saving in the new Camino 1.1a2 (via) I’ve stopped spending time in any browser that doesn’t have session saving built in—sorry Safari!

# 1:49 am / sessionsaving, browsers, camino, safari

Using TextMate with Django. Including a nice looking theme inspired by the Django website.

# 2:16 am / django, textmate

CSS library for Python (via) “A Python package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. Partly implements the DOM Level 2 Style Stylesheets and CSS interfaces.”

# 2:32 am / css, python

The Django newforms-admin branch. This should make customising the Django admin application a whole lot easier.

# 2:43 am / django, admin, newforms, branch, django-admin

Free VMware Server in action. I’m interested in reading more case studies of Virtual Machine deployments in the wild.

# 3:18 am / virualization, vmware, casestudy

Five things you may not know about me: 1. My PIN number. 2. The root password for my computer. 3. Where I put the front door key. 4. My sexual peccadillos. 5. What I’ve got in my pocketses.

Jeremy Keith

# 11:44 am

jQuery 1.1. jQuery is one year old. The latest release features API improvements and some significant optimisations.

# 5:13 pm / jquery, javascript