Simon Willison’s Weblog


Quotations in 2024

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In mid-March, we added this line to our system prompt to prevent Claude from thinking it can open URLs:

“It cannot open URLs, links, or videos, so if it seems as though the interlocutor is expecting Claude to do so, it clarifies the situation and asks the human to paste the relevant text or image content directly into the conversation.”

Alex Albert (Anthropic) # 18th April 2024, 12:22 am

But the reality is that you can’t build a hundred-billion-dollar industry around a technology that’s kind of useful, mostly in mundane ways, and that boasts perhaps small increases in productivity if and only if the people who use it fully understand its limitations.

Molly White # 17th April 2024, 7:53 pm

The saddest part about it, though, is that the garbage books don’t actually make that much money either. It’s even possible to lose money generating your low-quality ebook to sell on Kindle for $0.99. The way people make money these days is by teaching students the process of making a garbage ebook. It’s grift and garbage all the way down — and the people who ultimately lose out are the readers and writers who love books.

Constance Grady # 16th April 2024, 11:31 pm

Permissions have three moving parts, who wants to do it, what do they want to do, and on what object. Any good permission system has to be able to efficiently answer any permutation of those variables. Given this person and this object, what can they do? Given this object and this action, who can do it? Given this person and this action, which objects can they act upon?

wkirby on Hacker News # 16th April 2024, 7:49 pm

[On complaints about Claude 3 reduction in quality since launch] The model is stored in a static file and loaded, continuously, across 10s of thousands of identical servers each of which serve each instance of the Claude model. The model file never changes and is immutable once loaded; every shard is loading the same model file running exactly the same software. We haven’t changed the temperature either. We don’t see anywhere where drift could happen. The files are exactly the same as at launch and loaded each time from a frozen pristine copy.

Jason D. Clinton, Anthropic # 15th April 2024, 1:27 am

The language issues are indicative of the bigger problem facing the AI Pin, ChatGPT, and frankly, every other AI product out there: you can’t see how it works, so it’s impossible to figure out how to use it. [...] our phones are constant feedback machines — colored buttons telling us what to tap, instant activity every time we touch or pinch or scroll. You can see your options and what happens when you pick one. With AI, you don’t get any of that. Using the AI Pin feels like wishing on a star: you just close your eyes and hope for the best. Most of the time, nothing happens.

David Pierce # 12th April 2024, 12:39 pm

[on GitHub Copilot] It’s like insisting to walk when you can take a bike. It gets the hard things wrong but all the easy things right, very helpful and much faster. You have to learn what it can and can’t do.

Andrej Karpathy # 11th April 2024, 1:27 am

The challenge [with RAG] is that most corner-cutting solutions look like they’re working on small datasets while letting you pretend that things like search relevance don’t matter, while in reality relevance significantly impacts quality of responses when you move beyond prototyping (whether they’re literally search relevance or are better tuned SQL queries to retrieve more appropriate rows). This creates a false expectation of how the prototype will translate into a production capability, with all the predictable consequences: underestimating timelines, poor production behavior/performance, etc.

Will Larson # 10th April 2024, 11:09 pm

in July 2023, we [Hugging Face] wanted to experiment with a custom license for this specific project [text-generation-inference] in order to protect our commercial solutions from companies with bigger means than we do, who would just host an exact copy of our cloud services.

The experiment however wasn’t successful.

It did not lead to licensing-specific incremental business opportunities by itself, while it did hamper or at least complicate the community contributions, given the legal uncertainty that arises as soon as you deviate from the standard licenses.

Julien Chaumond # 8th April 2024, 6:35 pm

Before Google Reader was shut down, they were internally looking for maintainers. It turned out you have to deal with three years of infra migrations if you sign up to be the new owner of Reader. No one wanted that kind of job for a product that is not likely to grow 10x.

Jaana Dogan # 4th April 2024, 8:51 pm

LLMs are like a trained circus bear that can make you porridge in your kitchen. It’s a miracle that it’s able to do it at all, but watch out because no matter how well they can act like a human on some tasks, they’re still a wild animal. They might ransack your kitchen, and they could kill you, accidentally or intentionally!

Alex Komoroske # 2nd April 2024, 3:19 pm

No one wants to build a product on a model that makes things up. The core problem is that GenAI models are not information retrieval systems. They are synthesizing systems, with no ability to discern from the data it’s trained on unless significant guardrails are put in place.

Rumman Chowdhury # 31st March 2024, 9:20 pm

Them: Can you just quickly pull this data for me?

Me: Sure, let me just:

SELECT * FROM some_ideal_clean_and_pristine.table_that_you_think_exists

Seth Rosen # 25th March 2024, 11:33 pm

At this point, I’m confident saying that 75% of what generative-AI text and image platforms can do is useless at best and, at worst, actively harmful. Which means that if AI companies want to onboard the millions of people they need as customers to fund themselves and bring about the great AI revolution, they’ll have to perpetually outrun the millions of pathetic losers hoping to use this tech to make a quick buck. Which is something crypto has never been able to do.

In fact, we may have already reached a point where AI images have become synonymous with scams and fraud.

Ryan Broderick # 21st March 2024, 9:49 pm

I think most people have this naive idea of consensus meaning “everyone agrees”. That’s not what consensus means, as practiced by organizations that truly have a mature and well developed consensus driven process.

Consensus is not “everyone agrees”, but [a model where] people are more aligned with the process than they are with any particular outcome, and they’ve all agreed on how decisions will be made.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss # 21st March 2024, 12:45 am

People share a lot of sensitive material on Quora—controversial political views, workplace gossip and compensation, and negative opinions held of companies. Over many years, as they change jobs or change their views, it is important that they can delete or anonymize their previously-written answers.

We opt out of the wayback machine because inclusion would allow people to discover the identity of authors who had written sensitive answers publicly and later had made them anonymous, and because it would prevent authors from being able to remove their content from the internet if they change their mind about publishing it. # 19th March 2024, 11:09 pm

It’s hard to overstate the value of LLM support when coding for fun in an unfamiliar language. [...] This example is totally trivial in hindsight, but might have taken me a couple mins to figure out otherwise. This is a bigger deal than it seems! Papercuts add up fast and prevent flow. (A lot of being a senior engineer is just being proficient enough to avoid papercuts).

Geoffrey Litt # 18th March 2024, 6:16 pm

One year since GPT-4 release. Hope you all enjoyed some time to relax; it’ll have been the slowest 12 months of AI progress for quite some time to come.

Leopold Aschenbrenner, OpenAI # 16th March 2024, 3:23 pm

The talk track I’ve been using is that LLMs are easy to take to market, but hard to keep in the market long-term. All the hard stuff comes when you move past the demo and get exposure to real users.

And that’s where you find that all the nice little things you got neatly working fall apart. And you need to prompt differently, do different retrieval, consider fine-tuning, redesign interaction, etc. People will treat this stuff differently from “normal” products, creating unique challenges.

Phillip Carter # 13th March 2024, 3:02 pm

In every group I speak to, from business executives to scientists, including a group of very accomplished people in Silicon Valley last night, much less than 20% of the crowd has even tried a GPT-4 class model.

Less than 5% has spent the required 10 hours to know how they tick.

Ethan Mollick # 9th March 2024, 3:55 am

On the zombie edition of the Washington Independent I discovered, the piece I had published more than ten years before was attributed to someone else. Someone unlikely to have ever existed, and whose byline graced an article it had absolutely never written.

[...], which I’m using to distinguish it from its namesake, offers recently published, article-like content that does not appear to me to have been produced by human beings. But, if you dig through its news archive, you can find work human beings definitely did produce. I know this because I was one of them.

Spencer Ackerman # 7th March 2024, 2:59 am

If a hard takeoff occurs, and a safe AI is harder to build than an unsafe one, then by opensourcing everything, we make it easy for someone unscrupulous with access to overwhelming amount of hardware to build an unsafe AI, which will experience a hard takeoff.

As we get closer to building AI, it will make sense to start being less open. The Open in OpenAI means that everyone should benefit from the fruits of AI after its built, but it’s totally OK to not share the science (even though sharing everything is definitely the right strategy in the short and possibly medium term for recruitment purposes).

Ilya Sutskever # 6th March 2024, 3:02 am

Buzzwords describe what you already intuitively know. At once they snap the ‘kaleidoscopic flux of impressions’ in your mind into form, crystallizing them instantly allowing you to both organize your knowledge and recognize you share it with other. This rapid, mental crystallization is what I call the buzzword whiplash. It gives buzzwords more importance and velocity, more power, than they objectively should have.

The potential energy stored within your mind is released by the buzzword whiplash. The buzzword is perceived as important partially because of what it describes but also because of the social and emotional weight felt when the buzzword recognizes your previously wordless experiences and demonstrates that those experiences are shared.

Drew Breunig # 5th March 2024, 7:56 pm

For the last few years, Meta has had a team of attorneys dedicated to policing unauthorized forms of scraping and data collection on Meta platforms. The decision not to further pursue these claims seems as close to waving the white flag as you can get against these kinds of companies. But why? [...]

In short, I think Meta cares more about access to large volumes of data and AI than it does about outsiders scraping their public data now. My hunch is that they know that any success in anti-scraping cases can be thrown back at them in their own attempts to build AI training databases and LLMs. And they care more about the latter than the former.

Kieran McCarthy # 28th February 2024, 3:15 pm

When I first published the micrograd repo, it got some traction on GitHub but then somewhat stagnated and it didn’t seem that people cared much. [...] When I made the video that built it and walked through it, it suddenly almost 100X’d the overall interest and engagement with that exact same piece of code.

[...] you might be leaving somewhere 10-100X of the potential of that exact same piece of work on the table just because you haven’t made it sufficiently accessible.

Andrej Karpathy # 21st February 2024, 9:26 pm

In 2006, reddit was sold to Conde Nast. It was soon obvious to many that the sale had been premature, the site was unmanaged and under-resourced under the old-media giant who simply didn’t understand it and could never realize its full potential, so the founders and their allies in Y-Combinator (where reddit had been born) hatched an audacious plan to re-extract reddit from the clutches of the 100-year-old media conglomerate. [...]

Yishan Wong # 20th February 2024, 4:23 pm

Spam, and its cousins like content marketing, could kill HN if it became orders of magnitude greater—but from my perspective, it isn’t the hardest problem on HN. [...]

By far the harder problem, from my perspective, is low-quality comments, and I don’t mean by bad actors—the community is pretty good about flagging and reporting those; I mean lame and/or mean comments by otherwise good users who don’t intend to and don’t realize they’re doing that.

dang # 19th February 2024, 3:57 pm

Before we even started writing the database, we first wrote a fully-deterministic event-based network simulation that our database could plug into. This system let us simulate an entire cluster of interacting database processes, all within a single-threaded, single-process application, and all driven by the same random number generator. We could run this virtual cluster, inject network faults, kill machines, simulate whatever crazy behavior we wanted, and see how it reacted. Best of all, if one particular simulation run found a bug in our application logic, we could run it over and over again with the same random seed, and the exact same series of events would happen in the exact same order. That meant that even for the weirdest and rarest bugs, we got infinity “tries” at figuring it out, and could add logging, or do whatever else we needed to do to track it down.

[...] At FoundationDB, once we hit the point of having ~zero bugs and confidence that any new ones would be found immediately, we entered into this blessed condition and we flew.

[...] We had built this sophisticated testing system to make our database more solid, but to our shock that wasn’t the biggest effect it had. The biggest effect was that it gave our tiny engineering team the productivity of a team 50x its size.

Will Wilson, on FoundationDB # 13th February 2024, 5:20 pm

“We believe that open source should be sustainable and open source maintainers should get paid!”

Maintainer: *introduces commercial features*
“Not like that”

Maintainer: *works for a large tech co*
“Not like that”

Maintainer: *takes investment*
“Not like that”

Jacob Kaplan-Moss # 12th February 2024, 5:18 am

One consideration is that such a deep ML system could well be developed outside of Google-- at Microsoft, Baidu, Yandex, Amazon, Apple, or even a startup. My impression is that the Translate team experienced this. Deep ML reset the translation game; past advantages were sort of wiped out. Fortunately, Google’s huge investment in deep ML largely paid off, and we excelled in this new game. Nevertheless, our new ML-based translator was still beaten on benchmarks by a small startup. The risk that Google could similarly be beaten in relevance by another company is highlighted by a startling conclusion from BERT: huge amounts of user feedback can be largely replaced by unsupervised learning from raw text. That could have heavy implications for Google.

Eric Lehman, internal Google email in 2018 # 11th February 2024, 10:59 pm