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Atom feed for gpus

12 items tagged “gpus”

GPUs aren't just for graphics anymore.


$2 H100s: How the GPU Bubble Burst. Fascinating analysis from Eugene Cheah, founder of LLM hosting provider Featherless, discussing GPU economics over the past 12 months.

TLDR: Don’t buy H100s. The market has flipped from shortage ($8/hr) to oversupplied ($2/hr), because of reserved compute resales, open model finetuning, and decline in new foundation model co’s. Rent instead.

# 11th October 2024, 6:57 pm / ai, llms, gpus

NousResearch/DisTrO. DisTrO stands for Distributed Training Over-The-Internet - it's "a family of low latency distributed optimizers that reduce inter-GPU communication requirements by three to four orders of magnitude".

This tweet from @NousResearch helps explain why this could be a big deal:

DisTrO can increase the resilience and robustness of training LLMs by minimizing dependency on a single entity for computation. DisTrO is one step towards a more secure and equitable environment for all participants involved in building LLMs.

Without relying on a single company to manage and control the training process, researchers and institutions can have more freedom to collaborate and experiment with new techniques, algorithms, and models.

Training large models is notoriously expensive in terms of GPUs, and most training techniques require those GPUs to be collocated due to the huge amount of information that needs to be exchanged between them during the training runs.

If DisTrO works as advertised it could enable SETI@home style collaborative training projects, where thousands of home users contribute their GPUs to a larger project.

There are more technical details in the PDF preliminary report shared by Nous Research on GitHub.

I continue to hate reading PDFs on a mobile phone, so I converted that report into GitHub Flavored Markdown (to ensure support for tables) and shared that as a Gist. I used Gemini 1.5 Pro (gemini-1.5-pro-exp-0801) in Google AI Studio with the following prompt:

Convert this PDF to github-flavored markdown, including using markdown for the tables. Leave a bold note for any figures saying they should be inserted separately.

# 27th August 2024, 8:10 pm / pdf, ai, generative-ai, llms, gemini, gpus

Fly: We’re Cutting L40S Prices In Half (via) Interesting insider notes from on customer demand for GPUs:

If you had asked us in 2023 what the biggest GPU problem we could solve was, we’d have said “selling fractional A100 slices”. [...] We guessed wrong, and spent a lot of time working out how to maximize the amount of GPU power we could deliver to a single Fly Machine. Users surprised us. By a wide margin, the most popular GPU in our inventory is the A10.

[…] If you’re trying to do something GPU-accelerated in response to an HTTP request, the right combination of GPU, instance RAM, fast object storage for datasets and model parameters, and networking is much more important than getting your hands on an H100.

# 16th August 2024, 4:44 am / fly, gpus

One interesting observation is the impact of environmental factors on training performance at scale. For Llama 3 405B , we noted a diurnal 1-2% throughput variation based on time-of-day. This fluctuation is the result of higher mid-day temperatures impacting GPU dynamic voltage and frequency scaling.

During training, tens of thousands of GPUs may increase or decrease power consumption at the same time, for example, due to all GPUs waiting for checkpointing or collective communications to finish, or the startup or shutdown of the entire training job. When this happens, it can result in instant fluctuations of power consumption across the data center on the order of tens of megawatts, stretching the limits of the power grid. This is an ongoing challenge for us as we scale training for future, even larger Llama models.

The Llama 3 Herd of Models

# 23rd July 2024, 11:26 pm / ai, generative-ai, llama, llms, meta, gpus

If you own the tracks between San Francisco and Los Angeles, you likely have some kind of monopolistic pricing power, because there can only be so many tracks laid between place A and place B. In the case of GPU data centers, there is much less pricing power. GPU computing is increasingly turning into a commodity, metered per hour. Unlike the CPU cloud, which became an oligopoly, new entrants building dedicated AI clouds continue to flood the market. Without a monopoly or oligopoly, high fixed cost + low marginal cost businesses almost always see prices competed down to marginal cost (e.g., airlines).

David Cahn

# 3rd July 2024, 8:49 pm / economics, ai, david-cahn, gpus

GPUs Go Brrr (via) Fascinating, detailed low-level notes on how to get the most out of NVIDIA's H100 GPUs (currently selling for around $40,000 a piece) from the research team at Stanford who created FlashAttention, among other things.

The swizzled memory layouts are flat-out incorrectly documented, which took considerable time for us to figure out.

# 13th May 2024, 4:08 am / stanford, ai, nvidia, gpus

You can now train a 70b language model at home (via) Jeremy Howard and team: “Today, we’re releasing Answer.AI’s first project: a fully open source system that, for the first time, can efficiently train a 70b large language model on a regular desktop computer with two or more standard gaming GPUs (RTX 3090 or 4090).”

This is about fine-tuning an existing model, not necessarily training one from scratch.

There are two tricks at play here. The first is QLoRA, which can be used to train quantized models despite the reduced precision usually preventing gradient descent from working correctly.

QLoRA can bring the memory requirements for a 70b model down to 35GB, but gaming GPUs aren’t quite that big. The second trick is Meta’s Fully Sharded Data Parallel or FSDP library, which can shard a model across GPUs. Two consumer 24GB GPUs can then handle the 70b training run.

# 8th March 2024, 10:47 am / ai, generative-ai, llms, jeremy-howard, gpus

GPUs on are available to everyone! We’ve been experimenting with GPUs on Fly for a few months for Datasette Cloud. They’re well documented and quite easy to use—any example Python code you find that uses NVIDIA CUDA stuff generally Just Works. Most interestingly of all, Fly GPUs can scale to zero—so while they cost $2.50/hr for a A100 40G (VRAM) and $3.50/hr for a A100 80G you can configure them to stop running when the machine runs out of things to do.

We’ve successfully used them to run Whisper and to experiment with running various Llama 2 LLMs as well.

To look forward to: “We are working on getting some lower-cost A10 GPUs in the next few weeks”.

# 14th February 2024, 4:28 am / ai, datasette-cloud, fly, generative-ai, whisper, llms, nvidia, gpus

Getting Started With CUDA for Python Programmers (via) if, like me, you’ve avoided CUDA programming (writing efficient code that runs on NVIGIA GPUs) in the past, Jeremy Howard has a new 1hr17m video tutorial that demystifies the basics. The code is all run using PyTorch in notebooks running on Google Colab, and it starts with a very clear demonstration of how to convert a RGB image to black and white.

# 29th January 2024, 9:23 pm / python, ai, pytorch, jeremy-howard, gpus


MLC: Bringing Open Large Language Models to Consumer Devices (via) “We bring RedPajama, a permissive open language model to WebGPU, iOS, GPUs, and various other platforms.” I managed to get this running on my Mac (see via link) with a few tweaks to their official instructions.

# 22nd May 2023, 7:25 pm / ai, generative-ai, homebrew-llms, llms, mlc, redpajama, webgpu, gpus

Petals (via) The challenge with large language models in the same scale ballpark as GPT-3 is that they’re large—really large. Far too big to run on a single machine at home. Petals is a fascinating attempt to address that problem: it works a little bit like BitTorrent, in that each user of Petal runs a subset of the overall language model on their machine and participates in a larger network to run inference across potentially hundreds of distributed GPUs. I tried it just now in Google Colab and it worked exactly as advertised, after downloading an 8GB subset of the 352GB BLOOM-176B model.

# 2nd January 2023, 11:29 pm / ai, gpt-3, generative-ai, llms, bloom, gpus


Running training jobs across multiple nodes scales really well. A common assumption is that scale inevitably means slowdowns: more GPUs means more synchronization overhead, especially with multiple nodes communicating across a network. But we observed that the performance penalty isn’t as harsh as what you might think. Instead, we found near-linear strong scaling: fixing the global batch size and training on more GPUs led to proportional increases in training throughput. On a 1.3B parameter model, 4 nodes means a 3.9x gain over one node. On 16 nodes, it’s 14.4x. This is largely thanks to the super fast interconnects that major cloud providers have built in: @awscloud EC2 P4d instances provide 400 Gbps networking bandwidth, @Azure provides 1600 Gbps, and @OraclePaaS provides 800 Gbps.

Linden Li

# 24th September 2022, 4:03 pm / machine-learning, ai, gpus