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88 posts tagged “firefox”

Mozilla's Firefox browser.


Firefox 1.5 developer highlights

Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 is out, and is the most exciting browser release in a very long time. It comes with the Gecko 1.8 rendering engine, which includes a ton of interesting new features. New in this version (unless you’ve been tinkering with the Deer Park series):

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Dissecting the Google Firefox Toolbar

Google have finally released a Firefox version of the Google Toolbar, with some nice praise for XUL in to the bargain. Of course, the most interesting part of the toolbar from a geeky point of view is the bit that queries Google’s servers for PageRank. Sure enough, if you download the google-toolbar.xpi file, unzip it, then unzip the google-toolbar.jar file within there’s a file called pagerank.js with all of the juicy details.

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Google Firefox Extensions. Google Toolbar, Google Send to Phone and Google Suggest.

# 8th July 2005, 9:36 am / firefox

Blake Ross: The new Firefox tag line (via) Blake claims this is a true story. If it is, wow!

# 8th July 2005, 1:36 am / firefox

View formatted source extension for Firefox (via) I haven’t tried this yet, but apparently it’s a big improvement.

# 5th July 2005, 12:14 pm / firefox

Greasemonkey: Yet Another Reason to Use Firefox. Great writeup of Greasemonkey on the PC World Techlog(!)

# 27th May 2005, 9:37 pm / greasemonkey, firefox

getSelection() Workaround for Safari 1.3 and Firefox 1.0.3. One of those things that’s just handy to know.

# 29th April 2005, 5:42 am / firefox

Firefox Counter. How the Firefox counter works.

# 28th April 2005, 6 pm / javascript, firefox

A Firefox observation

There are (to my knowledge) around 80 people on my undergraduate computer science course. Of those 80, I know of at least fourfive who’s final year project involves writing a Firefox extension of some sort. That’s 1 in 2016.

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Aardvark Firefox Extension. Neat extension for exploring (and altering) the layout of a page.

# 26th April 2005, 10:54 am / firefox

Nasty Firefox vulnerability and Double Standards. In which I am accused of hypocrisy (response in the comments).

# 8th February 2005, 10:44 am / firefox

Google Video Search: firefox. Recent mentions of Firefox on American TV.

# 25th January 2005, 9:52 am / firefox

The Daily Express on Firefox. Ish. Amusing example of inaccuracy in mainstream media.

# 19th January 2005, 9:50 am / firefox


First Look at Firefox-Based Netscape. Interestingly enough, there’s a “display like IE” option.

# 1st December 2004, 12:45 pm / firefox

Mozilla Firefox Start Page. Firefox 1.0 is out. The default home page is hosted by Google.

# 9th November 2004, 11:29 am / mozilla, firefox

Wikipedia Firefox extension (via) Adds Wiki-markup shortcuts to the context menu.

# 4th November 2004, 1:50 pm / firefox

Spread Firefox. They’re aiming for 1,000,000 downloads in 10 days.

# 15th September 2004, 4:30 pm / firefox

Mozilla Firefox—Live Bookmarks (via) Whoa! RSS support built in to Firefox, with a very smart interface.

# 14th September 2004, 4:23 pm / mozilla, firefox

Why I don’t recommend Firefox. The average user needs more mollycoddling.

# 6th September 2004, 9:49 pm / firefox

Firefox spoof demonstration (via) Scary spoofing attack using XUL.

# 13th August 2004, 3:56 pm / firefox

Wikalong Firefox Extension. I got an email tip off about this one too!

# 15th July 2004, 12:48 am / firefox

How to write Firefox extensions. Somone emailed me a link to this.

# 15th July 2004, 12:47 am / firefox

Firefox Extension: Bookmarks Synchronizer (via) Very, very cool. Syncs bookmarks via an FTP server.

# 17th June 2004, 4:36 pm / firefox

Mozilla Firefox 0.9 Release Notes. I just installed 0.9 RC 1 on my Mac. It’s prettier than 0.8.

# 9th June 2004, 8:08 pm / mozilla, firefox

Two handy FireFox extensions

Just a quick plug for a couple of FireFox extensions I’ve been digging recently. Chris Pederick’s Web Developer toolbar / menu extension combines ideas from a whole bunch of other extensions and bookmarklets in to one extremely useful whole. The usual assortment of validation and element outlining options are present, but the really useful tools are “View Cookie Information” and “View Response Headers”. I’ve used separate extensions for these before but it’s handy to have them all in one package.

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