Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged csrf

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Exploring the SameSite cookie attribute for preventing CSRF

In reading Yan Zhu’s excellent write-up of the JSON CSRF vulnerability she found in OkCupid one thing puzzled me: I was under the impression that browsers these days default to treating cookies as SameSite=Lax, so I would expect attacks like the one Yan described not to work in modern browsers.

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Datasette 0.58: The annotated release notes

I released Datasette 0.58 last night, with new plugin hooks, Unix domain socket support, a major faceting performance fix and a few other improvements. Here are the annotated release notes.

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Weeknotes: sqlite-utils updates, Datasette and asgi-csrf, open-sourcing VIAL

Some work on sqlite-utils, asgi-csrf, a Datasette alpha and we open-sourced VIAL.

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Weeknotes: Rocky Beaches, Datasette 0.48, a commit history of my database

This week I helped Natalie launch Rocky Beaches, shipped Datasette 0.48 and several releases of datasette-graphql, upgraded the CSRF protection for datasette-upload-csvs and figured out how to get a commit log of changes to my blog by backing up its database to a GitHub repository.

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Weeknotes, I guess

What a week. Hard to work up the enthusiasm to write about what I’ve been working on.

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Weeknotes: datasette-ics, datasette-upload-csvs, datasette-configure-fts, asgi-csrf

I’ve been preparing for the NICAR 2020 Data Journalism conference this week which has lead me into a flurry of activity across a plethora of different projects and plugins.

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Why do some people disable JavaScript in their browser?

For security reasons.

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Django ponies: Proposals for Django 1.2

I’ve decided to step up my involvement in Django development in the run-up to Django 1.2, so I’m currently going through several years worth of accumulated pony requests figuring out which ones are worth advocating for. I’m also ensuring I have the code to back them up—my innocent AutoEscaping proposal a few years ago resulted in an enormous amount of work by Malcolm and I don’t think he’d appreciate a repeat performance.

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Designing for a security breach

User account breaches are inevitable. We should take that in to account when designing our applications.

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Fighting RFCs with RFCs

Google’s recently released Web Accelerator apparently has some scary side-effects. It’s been spotted pre-loading links in password-protected applications, which can amount to clicking on every “delete this” link — bypassing even the JavaScript prompt you carefully added to give people the chance to think twice.

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