17 posts tagged “zero-downtime”
Making Machines Move. Another deep technical dive into Fly.io infrastructure from Thomas Ptacek, this time describing how they can quickly boot up an instance with a persistent volume on a new host (for things like zero-downtime deploys) using a block-level cloning operation, so the new instance gets a volume that becomes accessible instantly, serving proxied blocks of data until the new volume has been completely migrated from the old host.
Skew protection in Vercel (via) Version skew is a name for the bug that occurs when your user loads a web application and then unintentionally keeps that browser tab open across a deployment of a new version of the app. If you’re unlucky this can lead to broken behaviour, where a client makes a call to a backend endpoint that has changed in an incompatible way.
Vercel have an ingenious solution to this problem. Their platform already makes it easy to deploy many different instances of an application. You can now turn on “skew protection” for a number of hours which will keep older versions of your backend deployed.
The application itself can then include its desired deployment ID in a x-deployment-id header, a __vdpl cookie or a ?dpl= query string parameter.
pgroll (via) “Zero-downtime, reversible, schema migrations for Postgres”
I love this kind of thing. This one is has a really interesting design: you define your schema modifications (adding/dropping columns, creating tables etc) using a JSON DSL, then apply them using a Go binary.
When you apply a migration the tool first creates a brand new PostgreSQL schema (effectively a whole new database) which imitates your new schema design using PostgreSQL views. You can then point your applications that have been upgraded to the new schema at it, using the PostgreSQL search_path setting.
Old applications can continue talking to the previous schema design, giving you an opportunity to roll out a zero-downtime deployment of the new code.
Once your application has upgraded and the physical rows in the database have been transformed to the new schema you can run a --continue command to make the final destructive changes and drop the mechanism that simulates both schema designs at once.
Upgrading GitHub.com to MySQL 8.0 (via) I love a good zero-downtime upgrade story, and this is a fine example of the genre. GitHub spent a year upgrading MySQL from 5.7 to 8 across 1200+ hosts, covering 300+ TB that was serving 5.5 million queries per second. The key technique was extremely carefully managed replication, plus tricks like leaving enough 5.7 replicas available to handle a rollback should one be needed.
Stripe: Online migrations at scale (via) This 2017 blog entry from Jacqueline Xu at Stripe provides a very clear description of the “dual writes” pattern for applying complex data migrations without downtime: dual write to new and old tables, update the read paths, update the write paths and finally remove the now obsolete data—illustrated with an example of upgrading customers from having a single to multiple subscriptions.
Database Migrations. Vadim Kravcenko provides a useful, in-depth description of the less obvious challenges of applying database migrations successfully. Vadim uses and likes Django’s migrations (as do I) but notes that running them at scale still involves a number of thorny challenges.
The biggest of these, which I’ve encountered myself multiple times, is that if you want truly zero downtime deploys you can’t guarantee that your schema migrations will be deployed at the exact same instant as changes you make to your application code.
This means all migrations need to be forward-compatible: you need to apply a schema change in a way that your existing code will continue to work error-free, then ship the related code change as a separate operation.
Vadim describes what this looks like in detail for a number of common operations: adding a field, removing a field and changing a field that has associated business logic implications. He also discusses the importance of knowing when to deploy a dual-write strategy.
MRSK. A new open source web application deployment tool from 37signals, developed to help migrate their Hey webmail app out of the cloud and onto their own managed hardware. The key feature is one that I care about deeply: it enables zero-downtime deploys by running all traffic through a Traefik reverse proxy in a way that allows requests to be paused while a new deployment is going out—so end users get a few seconds delay on their HTTP requests before being served by the replaced application.
Software engineering practices
Gergely Orosz started a Twitter conversation asking about recommended “software engineering practices” for development teams.
[... 1,557 words]2020
Zero Downtime Release: Disruption-free Load Balancing of a Multi-Billion User Website (via) I remain fascinated by techniques for zero downtime deployment—once you have it working it makes shipping changes to your software so much less stressful, which means you can iterate faster and generally be much more confident in shipping code.
Facebook have invested vast amounts of effort into getting this right, and their new paper for the ACM SIGCOMM conference goes into detail about how it all works.
Weeknotes: Datasette Cloud and zero downtime deployments
Yesterday’s piece on Tracking FARA by deploying a data API using GitHub Actions and Cloud Run was originally intended to be my weeknotes, but ended up getting a bit too involved.
[... 1,431 words]How to do Zero Downtime Deployments of Docker Containers. I’m determined to get reliable zero-downtime deploys working for a new project, because I know from experience that even a few seconds of downtime during a deploy changes the project mentality from “deploy any time you want” to “don’t deploy too often”. I’m using Docker containers behind Traefik, which means new containers should have traffic automatically balanced to them by Traefik based on their labels. After much fiddling around the pattern described by this article worked best for me: it lets me start a new container, then stop the old one and have Traefik’s “retry” mechanism send any requests to the stopped container over to the new one instead.
How to Create an Index in Django Without Downtime (via) Excellent advanced tutorial on Django migrations, which uses a desire to create indexes in PostgreSQL without locking the table (with CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY) to explain the SeparateDatabaseAndState and atomic features of Django’s migration framework.
Migrating Messenger storage to optimize performance (via) Fascinating case-study of a truly gargantuan migration. Messenger has over a billion users, and Facebook successfully migrated its backend storage from HBase to their MyRocks database (a fork of MySQL with a storage engine built on their SSD-optimized RocksDB key/value library) without any user-visible downtime. They ended up using two migration paths: one for the 99.9% of regular accounts, and a separate path for extremely high volume accounts (businesses with very active chat bots or support systems).
How the Citus distributed database rebalances your data. Citus is a fascinating implementation of database sharding built on top of PostgreSQL primitives. PostgreSQL 10 introduced extremely flexible logical replication—in this post Craig Kerstiens explains how Citus use this new ability to re-balance shards (e.g. when you move from two to four physical PostgreSQL nodes) without downtime.
How Balanced does Database Migrations with Zero-Downtime. I’m fascinated by the idea of “pausing” traffic during a blocking site maintenance activity (like a database migration) and then un-pausing when the operation is complete—so end clients just see some of their requests taking a few seconds longer than expected. I first saw this trick described by Braintree. Balanced wrote about a neat way of doing this just using HAproxy, which lets you live reconfigure the maxconns to your backend down to zero (causing traffic to be queued up) and then bring the setting back up again a few seconds later to un-pause those requests.
The easiest way to have no-downtime upgrades is have an architecture that can tolerate some subset of their processes to be down at any time. De-SPOF and this gets easier (not that de-SPOFing is always trivial).
Zero-downtime Redis upgrade discussion. GitHub have a short window of scheduled downtime in order to upgrade their Redis server. I asked in their comments if they’d considered trying to run the upgrade with no downtime at all using Redis replication, and Ryan Tomayko has posted some interesting replies.