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Atom feed for vector-search

7 posts tagged “vector-search”


Looking back, it's clear we overcomplicated things. While embeddings fundamentally changed how we can represent and compare content, they didn't need an entirely new infrastructure category. What we label as "vector databases" are, in reality, search engines with vector capabilities. The market is already correcting this categorization—vector search providers rapidly add traditional search features while established search engines incorporate vector search capabilities. This category convergence isn't surprising: building a good retrieval engine has always been about combining multiple retrieval and ranking strategies. Vector search is just another powerful tool in that toolbox, not a category of its own.

Jo Kristian Bergum

# 28th December 2024, 2:22 pm / search, vector-search, embeddings, jo-kristian-bergum

From where I left. Four and a half years after he left the project, Redis creator Salvatore Sanfilippo is returning to work on Redis.

Hacking randomly was cool but, in the long run, my feeling was that I was lacking a real purpose, and every day I started to feel a bigger urgency to be part of the tech world again. At the same time, I saw the Redis community fragmenting, something that was a bit concerning to me, even as an outsider.

I'm personally still upset at the license change, but Salvatore sees it as necessary to support the commercial business model for Redis Labs. It feels to me like a betrayal of the volunteer efforts by previous contributors. I posted about that on Hacker News and Salvatore replied:

I can understand that, but the thing about the BSD license is that such value never gets lost. People are able to fork, and after a fork for the original project to still lead will be require to put something more on the table.

Salvatore's first new project is an exploration of adding vector sets to Redis. The vector similarity API he previews in this post reminds me of why I fell in love with Redis in the first place - it's clean, simple and feels obviously right to me.

VSIM top_1000_movies_imdb ELE "The Matrix"  WITHSCORES
1) "The Matrix"
2) "0.9999999403953552"
3) "Ex Machina"
4) "0.8680362105369568"

# 10th December 2024, 6:56 pm / redis, salvatore-sanfilippo, open-source, vector-search

Hybrid full-text search and vector search with SQLite. As part of Alex’s work on his sqlite-vec SQLite extension - adding fast vector lookups to SQLite - he’s been investigating hybrid search, where search results from both vector similarity and traditional full-text search are combined together.

The most promising approach looks to be Reciprocal Rank Fusion, which combines the top ranked items from both approaches. Here’s Alex’s SQL query:

-- the sqlite-vec KNN vector search results
with vec_matches as (
    row_number() over (order by distance) as rank_number,
  from vec_articles
    headline_embedding match lembed(:query)
    and k = :k
-- the FTS5 search results
fts_matches as (
    row_number() over (order by rank) as rank_number,
    rank as score
  from fts_articles
  where headline match :query
  limit :k
-- combine FTS5 + vector search results with RRF
final as (
    vec_matches.rank_number as vec_rank,
    fts_matches.rank_number as fts_rank,
    -- RRF algorithm
      coalesce(1.0 / (:rrf_k + fts_matches.rank_number), 0.0) * :weight_fts +
      coalesce(1.0 / (:rrf_k + vec_matches.rank_number), 0.0) * :weight_vec
    ) as combined_rank,
    vec_matches.distance as vec_distance,
    fts_matches.score as fts_score
  from fts_matches
  full outer join vec_matches on vec_matches.article_id = fts_matches.rowid
  join articles on articles.rowid = coalesce(fts_matches.rowid, vec_matches.article_id)
  order by combined_rank desc
select * from final;

I’ve been puzzled in the past over how to best do that because the distance scores from vector similarity and the relevance scores from FTS are meaningless in comparison to each other. RRF doesn’t even attempt to compare them - it uses them purely for row_number() ranking within each set and combines the results based on that.

# 4th October 2024, 4:22 pm / embeddings, sql, vector-search, sqlite, search, alex-garcia, full-text-search, rag

OpenAI: Improve file search result relevance with chunk ranking (via) I've mostly been ignoring OpenAI's Assistants API. It provides an alternative to their standard messages API where you construct "assistants", chatbots with optional access to additional tools and that store full conversation threads on the server so you don't need to pass the previous conversation with every call to their API.

I'm pretty comfortable with their existing API and I found the assistants API to be quite a bit more complicated. So far the only thing I've used it for is a script to scrape OpenAI Code Interpreter to keep track of updates to their enviroment's Python packages.

Code Interpreter aside, the other interesting assistants feature is File Search. You can upload files in a wide variety of formats and OpenAI will chunk them, store the chunks in a vector store and make them available to help answer questions posed to your assistant - it's their version of hosted RAG.

Prior to today OpenAI had kept the details of how this worked undocumented. I found this infuriating, because when I'm building a RAG system the details of how files are chunked and scored for relevance is the whole game - without understanding that I can't make effective decisions about what kind of documents to use and how to build on top of the tool.

This has finally changed! You can now run a "step" (a round of conversation in the chat) and then retrieve details of exactly which chunks of the file were used in the response and how they were scored using the following incantation:

run_step = client.beta.threads.runs.steps.retrieve(

(See what I mean about the API being a little obtuse?)

I tried this out today and the results were very promising. Here's a chat transcript with an assistant I created against an old PDF copy of the Datasette documentation - I used the above new API to dump out the full list of snippets used to answer the question "tell me about ways to use spatialite".

It pulled in a lot of content! 57,017 characters by my count, spread across 20 search results (customizable), for a total of 15,021 tokens as measured by ttok. At current GPT-4o-mini prices that would cost 0.225 cents (less than a quarter of a cent), but with regular GPT-4o it would cost 7.5 cents.

OpenAI provide up to 1GB of vector storage for free, then charge $0.10/GB/day for vector storage beyond that. My 173 page PDF seems to have taken up 728KB after being chunked and stored, so that GB should stretch a pretty long way.

Confession: I couldn't be bothered to work through the OpenAI code examples myself, so I hit Ctrl+A on that web page and copied the whole lot into Claude 3.5 Sonnet, then prompted it:

Based on this documentation, write me a Python CLI app (using the Click CLi library) with the following features:

openai-file-chat add-files name-of-vector-store *.pdf *.txt

This creates a new vector store called name-of-vector-store and adds all the files passed to the command to that store.

openai-file-chat name-of-vector-store1 name-of-vector-store2 ...

This starts an interactive chat with the user, where any time they hit enter the question is answered by a chat assistant using the specified vector stores.

We iterated on this a few times to build me a one-off CLI app for trying out the new features. It's got a few bugs that I haven't fixed yet, but it was a very productive way of prototyping against the new API.

# 30th August 2024, 4:03 am / embeddings, vector-search, generative-ai, openai, ai, rag, llms, claude-3-5-sonnet, ai-assisted-programming


Introducing sqlite-vss: A SQLite Extension for Vector Search (via) This latest SQLite extension from Alex Garcia is possibly his best yet: it adds FAISS-powered vector similarity search directly to SQLite, enabling fast KNN similarity lookups against a virtual table that feels a lot like SQLite’s own built-in full text search feature. This write-up includes interactive demos using Datasette called from an Observable notebook, running similarity searches against an index of 200,000 news headlines and summaries in less than 50ms.

# 10th February 2023, 10:53 pm / vector-search, sqlite, datasette, observable, alex-garcia

Weeknotes: AI hacking and a SpatiaLite tutorial

Short weeknotes this time because the key things I worked on have already been covered here:

How to implement Q&A against your documentation with GPT3, embeddings and Datasette

Visit How to implement Q&A against your documentation with GPT3, embeddings and Datasette

If you’ve spent any time with GPT-3 or ChatGPT, you’ve likely thought about how useful it would be if you could point them at a specific, current collection of text or documentation and have it use that as part of its input for answering questions.

[... 3,491 words]