Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for tools

32 posts tagged “tools”


aws—simple access to Amazon EC2 and S3. The best command line client I’ve found for EC2 and S3. “aws put --progress my-bucket-name/large-file.tar.gz large-file.tar.gz” is particularly useful for uploading large files to S3. Written in Perl (with no dependencies), shelling out to curl to do the heavy lifting.

# 19th May 2009, 11:38 am / curl, perl, aws, amazon-web-services, ec2, s3, commandline, tools, tim-kay


The CSS Redundancy Checker. A tool for checking your markup for outdated CSS rules that don’t match any of your HTML. We were discussing the need for something similar to this at Torchbox a few weeks ago.

# 6th July 2007, 12:02 pm / html, hpricot, css, ruby, tom-armitage, tools