Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged csv, sqlite

Filters: csv × sqlite × Sorted by date

Introducing sqlite-xsv: The Fastest CSV Parser for SQLite. Alex Garcia continues to push the boundaries of SQLite extensions. This new extension in Rust wraps the lightning fast Rust csv crate and provides a new csv_reader() virtual table that can handle regular, gzipped and zstd compressed files. # 14th January 2023, 9:54 pm

Joining CSV and JSON data with an in-memory SQLite database

The new sqlite-utils memory command can import CSV and JSON data directly into an in-memory SQLite database, combine and query it using SQL and output the results as CSV, JSON or various other formats of plain text tables.

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Weeknotes: Datasette Writes

As discussed previously, the biggest hole in Datasette’s feature set at the moment involves writing to the database.

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sqlitebiter. Similar to my csvs-to-sqlite tool, but sqlitebiter handles “CSV/Excel/HTML/JSON/LTSV/Markdown/SQLite/SSV/TSV/Google-Sheets”. Most interestingly, it works against HTML pages—run “sqlitebiter -v url ’’” and it will scrape that Wikipedia page and create a SQLite table for each of the HTML tables it finds there. # 17th May 2018, 10:40 pm

csvs-to-sqlite 0.8. I released a new version of my csvs-to-sqlite tool this morning with a bunch of handy new features. It can now rename columns and define their types, add the CSV filenames as an additional column, add create indexes on columns and parse dates and datetimes into SQLite-friendly ISO formatted values. # 24th April 2018, 4:11 pm

Big Data Workflow with Pandas and SQLite (via) Handy tutorial on dealing with larger data (in this case a 3.9GB CSV file) by incrementally loading it into pandas and writing it out to SQLite. # 28th November 2017, 11:02 pm

New in Datasette: filters, foreign keys and search

I’ve released Datasette 0.13 with a number of exciting new features (Datasette previously).

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harelba/q (via) q is a neat command-line utility that lets you run SQL queries directly against CSV and TSV files. Internally it works by firing up an in-memory SQLite database, and as of the latest release (1.7.1) you can use the new --save-db-to-disk option to save that in-memory database to disk. # 25th November 2017, 5:49 pm

simonw/csvs-to-sqlite. I built a simple tool for bulk converting multiple CSV files into a SQLite database. # 13th November 2017, 6:49 am