Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 6th March 2007

phpbb-openid: Your AIM screen name is your OpenID. Log in to a phpBB board with an AOL OpenID and it will try to associate your OpenID with an account that lists that AIM in the profile. This is the kind of behaviour I talked about in my FOWA talk.

# 7:57 am / phpbb, openid, fowa, aim, aol, phpbbopenid

Security; AJAX; JSON; Satisfaction. The JSON attack I linked to earlier only works against raw arrays, which technically aren’t valid JSON anyway.

# 8:06 am / json, security, xss

OpenID on My first project launch as a freelancer. You can now use your blog as an OpenID.

# 8:41 pm / openid, wordpress, wordpresscom, freelance

Hacking with Python. Nat introduces snaflr, a Python script for republishing selected links from a number of users to one communal account.

# 11:11 pm / delicious, python, natalie-downe