Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 23rd March 2007

A binary compatible wire call is still a binary compatible wire call, no matter how much XML you put on it.

Bill de hÓra

# 12:56 am / xml, bill-de-hora

KML and GeoRSS support added to the Google Maps API. Since Flickr can output GeoRSS, this means you can now plot your Flickr photos on a Google Map (if you’re so inclined).

# 1:03 am / flickr, georss, kml, google, google-maps

Vitamin Interviews: Simon Willison. Bobbie Johnson pointed a camera at me after my Future of Web Apps talk and interviewed me for eight minutes on OpenID.

# 1:41 am / openid, bobbiejohnson, fowa, future-of-web-apps, interview

Highrise: Early stats, Cases for all, the new Solo plan, and more disk space! 9% of signups came in through OpenID, and they’ve opened up cases to everyone fixing my number one complaint about the service. Great job!

# 1:44 am / openid, highise, 37-signals

My photos tagged “cheese” on a Google Map. You can paste a Flickr GeoRSS feed directly in to the Google Maps query box.

# 1:55 am / georss, flickr, google-maps, cheese, google

How to code debuggers (via) Accessible discussion of debuggers, ptrace, ELF, dynamic libraries and /proc.

# 9:22 am / debuggers, ptrace, elf, dynlibs

Modest Maps. Flash draggable maps library, BSD-licensed. Use it with tiles from OpenStreetMap / NASA / Google / Yahoo! etc or run it against your own tile set.

# 3:41 pm / modestmaps, maps, flash

HP acquires Tabblo. The first high profile Django-powered acquisition? Very well deserved; Tabblo is an excellent application.

# 3:49 pm / tabblo, django, hp

Rules For JavaScript Library Authors. The guiding principles behind Dean Edwards’ base2 library, entirely applicable to every JavaScript developer.

# 5:53 pm / javascript, deanedwards, base2, libraries

base2. Dean Edwards’ new JavaScript library which adds useful cross-browser features based on upcoming DOM standards (the Selectors API, DOMContentLoaded, addEventListener and more).

# 5:59 pm / deanedwards, javascript, base2, libraries, domcontentloaded, selectors, addeventlistener

ANN: PHP OpenID 1.2.2 released. Includes a fix to a bug that was causing some consumers to be incompatible with the OpenID provider. If you’re using this in a PHP OpenID consumer you should upgrade now.

# 8:33 pm / php, openid, janrain

New Open Source Utility Library for the Google Maps API (via) Google are taking a hybrid approach to development on their Maps API—an open source utility library layered on top of their closed source, obfuscated core code.

# 9:09 pm / google, google-maps, open-source

Beginner’s guide to OpenID phishing (via) Excellent primer on the phishing problem, which concludes that phishing can only be solved by moving away from usernames and passwords entirely.

# 9:22 pm / openid, phishing

Django version 0.96 release notes. The two big improvements are the newforms library and the ability to use callables directly in your URLconfs, enabling a bunch of useful new tricks.

# 11:47 pm / urlconfs, newforms, django