41 items tagged “youtube”
YouTube Playlist: DjangoCon 2008 Sessions. YouTube’s tag and search indexes appear to lag behind the main site by quite a while; this appears to be the definitive index page for videos of talks at DjangoCon.
YouTube: djangocon tag. Google have started posting videos of presentations at DjangoCon on YouTube.
“THIS IS NOT MLM!!!”—An Appreciation. Merlin Mann explains his fascination with the “cash gifting” pyramid scams that keep cropping up on YouTube.
There is a reason why Flickr eventually killed Yahoo! Photos and why it was decided that Google Video be relegated to being a search brand while YouTube would be the social sharing brand. The brand baggage and the accompanying culture made them road kill.
Musical hackery. Indescribably clever musical video game creation, where images from classic games spell out their own theme tunes. The smartest thing I’ve seen on YouTube, well, ever.
Silly MS-DOS 5 Promo Video. I can’t decide if this is better or worse than the Windows 386 rap.
H.264 support coming to the Flash player. It looks like this is a response to the higher video quality offered by Silverlight. I wonder if YouTube knew about this when they started transcoding their videos to H.264 for the Apple TV and iPhone.
YouTube Scalability Talk. Kyle Cordes’ notes on a Google Tech Talk on scaling YouTube by Cuong Do.
Lego Millenium Falcon Stop Motion. This introduced me to a whole world of YouTube Star Wars lego stop motion videos.
Top XSS exploits by PageRank. Yahoo!, MSN, Google, YouTube, MySpace, FaceBook all feature.
Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us. Absolutely worth watching—don’t be put off by the title.