74 posts tagged “usability”
In 1997, I chose to suppress a similar finding: users tend to click on banner ads that look like dialog boxes, complete with fake OK and Cancel buttons.
OpenID: Great idea, bewildering consumer experience. Realistic, detailed look at the many usability problems that currently surround OpenID—and a good list of suggested fixes at the end. This is why I’ve been advocating OpenID as a tool for early adopters: they can help smooth out the experience for everyone else.
Dynamic Help in Web Forms. Luke Wroblewski catalogues patterns for providing contextual help.
E-Trade financial tried using a RSA fob as a second factor of authentication, but as of their 11/07/06 financial report their fraud losses continue to increase. That said, they considered this program a success because users indicated they feel safer and are more likely to provide assets.
Never use a warning when you mean undo. The abundance of “undo” is one of my favourite things about Gmail. I wonder if there’s anything Django could do to make implementing undo functionality easier...
On any given Web page, users will either click something that appears to take them closer to the fulfillment of their goal, or click the Back button on their Web browser.
You need to lay out the user interface components visually, by hand, with total control over where they go. Automated LayoutManagers don't cut it. A corollary of this is that you can't move a UI layout from one platform to another and have the computer make everything fit. Computers don't lay out interfaces by themselves any better than they can translate French to English by themselves.
In Which I Think About Java Again, But Only For A Moment. Convincing argument as to why desktop applications written in Java rarely have decent user interfaces.
The way you make users understand your program model is with metaphors. When you make things look, feel, and most importantly, behave like things in the real world, users are more likely to figure out how to use the program, and the app will be easier to use. When you try to combine two very dramatically different real-world items (email and appointments) into the same kind of thing in the user interface, usability suffers because there’s no longer a real-world metaphor that applies.
Fast and Simple Usability Testing. Nat’s 24ways article on practical usability testing (and hedgehogs).
Back in November of 2004 I posted a rant about how difficult it was to download and install the Eclipse IDE from the official site. I’m delighted to hear that my rant was partially responsible for the creation of the EasyEclipse project, which not only provides easily installable packages for setting up a Java development environment but also covers LAMP development as well.
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Usable Security: Look Beyond the “Fundamental Conflict”. Security and usability are not conflicting goals.
User Education Is Not the Answer to Security Problems. Smart thinking on security from Jakob Nielsen.
Design Eye for the Usability Guy. Jakob Nielsen gets the makeover of a life time.