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20 posts tagged “oxford-geek-nights”


Oxford Geek Night 8—27th August 2008. Once again in the Jericho Tavern, this time with a musical theme.

# 25th August 2008, 9 pm / jerichotavern, oxford-geek-nights

“You’re No One If You’re Not On Twitter”. The inevitable Twitter song by Ben Walker (@ihatemornings), the resident troubadour at the Oxford Geek Nights. Go along on Wednesday to see him live!

# 25th August 2008, 8:59 pm / oxford-geek-nights, twitter, song, ben-walker

Oxford Geek Night 7: 25 June 2008. I won’t be able to make this one, but a reminder for anyone in the area that the seventh Oxford Geek Night takes place tomorrow night at the Jericho Tavern.

# 24th June 2008, 2:55 pm / events, oxford, oxford-geek-nights


Oxford Geek Night 4. Tomorrow night, usual venue. Topics include mySociety, Pylons, MythTV and more.

# 27th November 2007, 9:04 pm / oxford-geek-nights, pylons, mysociety, python, events, mythtv

Oxford Geek Night #4. November 28th in the upstairs room at the Jericho Tavern; the first one run without Natalie at the helm.

# 6th October 2007, 12:33 am / jp-stacey, oxford-geek-nights, oxford, events

Oxford Geek Night 3 (via) The date for your diary is July 25th (moved from the 18th).

# 2nd June 2007, 12:38 am / conferences, events, oxford, oxford-geek-nights, oxfordgeeks, upcoming

Nat and I had a bit of a mini-hackday this bank holiday Monday. Nat’s been doing a great job summoning local geeks out of the woodwork with Oxford Geek Nights event, but it’s still pretty hard to find other interesting events in the Oxfordshire area. It’s not that there aren’t any, it’s just that the geek community in Oxford is currently pretty fragmented.

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Oxford Geek Night videos. The videos from the last Oxford Geek Night have now been posted.

# 25th April 2007, 9:01 pm / oxford-geek-nights, oxfordgeeknight2

So that was Oxford Geek Night 2. Nat’s writeup, including video of the local news coverage (in which I look like a total dork).

# 13th April 2007, 1:33 am / oxfordgeeknight2, local-news, oxford-geek-nights, video

What the heck is HTML 5? Slides from my five minute HTML 5 talk at Oxford Geek Night 2.

# 12th April 2007, 2:41 pm / oxfordgeeknight2, oxford-geek-nights, whatwg, html, speaking

Extending a WiFi network with two Macs and a FireWire cable

Last night’s Oxford Geek Night went really well, despite more than the usual flurry of problems. It’s definitely true that the more geeks there are in a room the less likely it is that the projector will work! Thankfully we got everything up and running in time for the talks to start, although it was a pretty close call.

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Talks for Oxford Geek Nights announced. Microslots on Yahoo! Pipes, Semantic Mediawiki, Second Life and more.

# 6th April 2007, 12:21 am / oxford-geek-nights, natalie-downe

Oxford Geek Night 2

If you missed the last Oxford Geek Night, you really owe it to yourself to make it to the next one. If you were there then you shouldn’t need any convincing.

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Oxford Geek Night 2 call for proposals. The next event is coming up in April. Get your talk proposals in now!

# 27th February 2007, 12:42 am / oxfordgeeks, oxford-geek-nights, cfp

Oxford Geeks hit the media! Coverage in the local newspaper and on the radio, with MP3s.

# 25th February 2007, 2:12 am / oxford-geek-nights, oxfordgeeks, oxford, natalie-downe

A Gathering Of Geeks. The Oxford Mail’s coverage of Nat’s Oxford Geek Night event.

# 22nd February 2007, 9:35 am / local-news, oxford-geek-nights, natalie-downe, oxfordmail

Speaking at the Future of Web Apps

Just a quick update to say that I’ll be speaking at the Future of Web Apps conference in London on February the 21st, talking about OpenID. I really enjoyed last year’s event and feel honored to be included in such an exciting schedule.

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First Oxford Geek Night a success! It really was the best evening geek event I’ve been to in a very long time.

# 9th February 2007, 12:51 am / natalie-downe, oxford, oxford-geek-nights, oxfordgeeks

Oxford Geek Nights. 8pm on the 7th of February 2007 at the Jericho Tavern in Oxford. Three 15 minute talks and a bunch of 5 minute microslots. I’ll be giving a talk on OpenID.

# 22nd January 2007, 7:22 pm / openid, speaking, geeknights, oxford-geek-nights, oxford