19 posts tagged “jython”
Django-Jython 1.1.0 released. Django on Jython matches its minor version numbers to Django, so this new release is compatible with Django 1.1.
Django-Jython 1.0.0 released! Now with database backends for PostgreSQL, Oracle and MySQL. The next release (planned for next month) should provide full compatibility with Django 1.1—the current release has 1.1 support for PostgreSQL but only 1.0 support for the other two databases.
Frank Wierzbicki: Leaving Sun. Frank performed miracles at Sun and before, helping bring the Jython project out of stasis and turning it in to an active, community maintained modern Python implementation. If you’re looking for an expert Python/Java/Dynamic languages guy you should snap him up.
Jython 2.5.0 Final is out! It’s been a long time coming—congratulations to the team.
Django 1.0 alpha 2 release notes (via) The last preview release before the 1.0 beta. Big new features are GeoDjango, pluggable file storage (which went in earlier today) and Jython compatibility. The beta is scheduled for August 14th.
Jython’s Future Looking Sunny. Sun have (finally) invested in Jython, hiring lead maintainer Frank Wierzbicki. They’ve also hired Ted Leung to “represent the wider world of Python at Sun”. Great news.
Python Web Framework on the JVM. An update on both Jython and the Django on Jython project—it looks like Jython 2.5 isn’t that far away.
Django on Jython (via) Outstanding work from Jim Baker and the Jython team: Django now runs on the modern branch of Jython, with a couple of patches and some failed doctests due to dictionary order (a problem with Django’s test suite).
The Rubinius Sprint. Sun are throwing a ton of resources at Ruby, because as Tim Bray says, “it’s not fast enough”. Imagine where they’d be if they’d invested this kind of support in Jython five years ago...
Django on Jython: What I’ve done until now. It’s not quite there yet (the new Jython is Python 2.2 with a few 2.3 features; Django requires 2.3 at least) but it’s looking pretty promising.
Java SE 6 Released. “Script engines” (like JavaScript, Jython and JRuby) become a first class citizen.
Frank Wierzbick: I now work for Red Hat (via) Includes news of Jython progress: slots support is in, which hopefully is a solid step towards Python 2.3 compatibility.
Java Is Free. GPL2 no less. Getting Jython up to speed is now even more important.
Jython changelog. Plenty of signs of life here.
Introduction to Jython. Short but sweet; covers the essentials nicely.
Jython road map. On the new Jython wiki.
Jython. Tim Bray gets excited about Jython, and says nice things about Python in the process.
Jython as a learning tool
In Jython Is Just Too Useful, Joey Gibson shows how Jython can be used to quickly demonstrate Java class libraries interactively, including using Python’s dir()
builtin to inspect available methods of Java classes. I used Jython last year while learning Swing for a piece of University coursework and found that being able to interactively create and manipulate Swing components (and see them appear on the screen as I typed) sped up the learning process a great deal.
Python for Java programmers
Python and Jelly: Scripting Power for Java and XML incorporates an excellent introduction to Python and Jython for Java programmers, with a whole bunch of comparative code samples and comprehensive coverage of differences between the two languages.