Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 30th January 2008

Monkeypatching idioms—elegant or ugly? Guido offers a decorator and a metaclass as syntactic sugar for monkeypatching existing Python classes.

# 12:39 am / decorators, guido-van-rossum, idioms, metaclasses, monkeypatching, python

Python Web Framework on the JVM. An update on both Jython and the Django on Jython project—it looks like Jython 2.5 isn’t that far away.

# 2:06 am / django, java, jvm, jython, python

Mono Beta Launch—Official Linden Blog. The Mono VM is now in public beta testing running LSL scripts in Second Life. The first step on the road to IronPython support?

# 2:19 am / ironpython, lindenlab, lsl, mono, python, secondlife, virtualmachines