Simon Willison’s Weblog


February 2004

Feb. 6, 2004

Popen5: useful! Obviously 4 popen functions isn’t enough.

# 5:23 pm

Firebird Spell Checker. Slightly convoluted install procedure, but it’s a start.

# 8:04 pm

Hacking Friendster, Part I (via) Cross site scripting attacks in social networks

# 8:22 pm

Feb. 9, 2004

Feb. 10, 2004

Bravo l’artiste (via) Ruper Murdoch, reviewed.

# 1:15 am

width = str(len(str(len(lines))))

The above monstrosity came up today while writing a function to add zero padded line numbers to a chunk of text:

[... 78 words]

Internet erosion of TV viewing habits deepens (via) Of the 11.8 hours the average Internet user spends online weekly, more than half is coming from TV viewing and almost none from sleep or socialization

# 5:57 pm

More unfortunate PageRank. I’m third on Google for “hotmail inbox”

# 7:13 pm

Seven Steps to Better Presentationss (via) Advice from Jeffrey Veen

# 7:34 pm

Flagging issues on craigslist (via) Moderation in a high traffic environment.

# 7:44 pm / craigslist, moderation

NanoBlogger. A blogging system written in bash.

# 7:45 pm

Why Questions go Unanswered (via) "I’m a lazy asshole and I can’t be bothered to learn to program myself, but I know if I post here you’ll give me something for free.’’

# 7:47 pm

World’s First HCI Rap: “We Got It”. HCI hip-hop from OK/Cancel. Sweet Jesus no!

# 7:48 pm

Clueless office workers help spread computer viruses (via) “55% of those quizzed base their passwords on people’s names”

# 7:52 pm blogging gem. “... I just decked him and broke his nose.”

# 9:38 pm

The Fishbowl: Pronunciation of SQL. Because they’re cute.

# 10:08 pm

Feb. 11, 2004

AskTog: Top 10 Reasons to Not Shop On Line (via) Usability advice for e-commerce sites.

# 1:28 am

Rands In Repose: Agenda Detection (via) An almost painfully cynical guide to getting out of meetings as soon as possible.

# 3:05 am

Code generation vs data driven programming

Via Ned Batchelder, this interview with pragmatic Dave Thomas on code generation closely reflects my own nascent thoughts on the issue:

[... 369 words]

Compilers. Not, it turns out, a difficult thing. Dan says they’re easy. But then he did write most of Parrot...

# 6:38 am

Feb. 12, 2004

Scary-cool: Decompression bombs. How to crash a mail scanner with a 7 KB attachment.

# 3:35 am

foxs_view_of_the_bbc_player.swf (via) This one left me speechless.

# 4:14 am

Webmonkey R.I.P. The site responsible for my unofficial job title is no more.

# 4:41 pm

RSS vs Atom, condensed

Jeremy Zawodny:

[... 63 words]

document.getElementsByWhatever() (via) Like getElementsBySelector() but... different.

# 11:10 pm

Feb. 16, 2004

WaveBlog. So that’s what Russell’s been up to...

# 11:44 pm

Feb. 17, 2004

Automatic line ending conversions in IE

I’ve just updated my SitePoint blog with a tale of Javascript debugging woe. To cut a long story short, Internet Explorer for both Mac and Windows automatically converts sane line endings in to the platform specific alternatives whenever you assign a Javascript string to the value attribute of a text area. It’s the kind of quirk that can take up a whole morning’s worth of debugging.

2004 » February
