Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 20th February 2004

If foxes can learn Ruby, why can’t you?

Why The Lucky Stiff’s (poignant) guide to Ruby is shaping up to be a masterpiece. Trust me, you’ve never read a programming language guide that’s even remotely comparable. Even if you have no interest in Ruby you should check it out, if only for the cartoon foxes. Here’s Why’s explanation of Ruby’s array syntax:

[... 219 words]

Wired News: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Porn (via) In which Larry Flynt discusses the Patriot Act.

# 2:28 am

Codeville (via) Not content with revolutionising file distribution, Bram “BitTorrent” Cohen has his sights set on CVS.

# 3:38 am

Om Malik on Broadband: pMachine is now Expression Engine. Interesting interview with the man behind pMachine and Expression Engine.

# 3:47 am

Perl Gets Extreme Makeover. Surprisingly informative overview of Perl 6 from Yahoo! News.

# 4:17 am

WackyCam. Play with your iSight.

# 7:17 pm

Big and Bad (via) Why SUV safety is a myth.

# 7:17 pm

Flowers for Al and Don (via) Send flowers to gay couples waiting in line to get married in SF.

# 11:54 pm

2004 » February
