Simon Willison’s Weblog


April 2004

April 23, 2004

Earth View. Live images of the earth from space.

# 11:58 pm

April 24, 2004

View from Satellite (via) Pick a satellite, see what it sees.

# 12 am

April 25, 2004

M.I.T Card Information (via) Who’s bright idea was it to introduce a poorly secured swipe card system in a school full of hard-core techies?

# 8:58 pm / mit, security

Hey Crackhead (via) From the best of CraigsList.

# 9:15 pm

April 26, 2004

Kansas City web developer meetup

The last one was fun, so we’re having another. This time we’re shooting for Thursday April 29th at around 8pm, probably at a venue in Kansas City. If you’re interested in coming along drop a note to myself or Adrian and we’ll add you to the impromptu mailing list.

Pro-Symbian Internet m@fia and their machinations exposed. It’s a conspiracy! The funniest tripe I’ve read in quite a while.

# 6:49 am

Curious Javascript in .NET

I’ve never had the opportunity nor the inclination to do anything with .NET; at work we use open source tools for all of our web development, and I prefer open source tools for my own personal experiments as well. At any rate, the javascript:__doPostBack links I’ve seen on .NET powered sites such as Channel 9 and Orkut plain give me the willies.

[... 213 words]

Good Riddance To the Music Industry (via) V2 conduct a seance in a marketing meeting.

# 6:03 pm

V2’s Pre)Thing E-mail a Hoax (via) No seance after all.

# 11:13 pm

Victor Ng’s Weblog: python’s import is broken. “Never use ’from foo import baz’. Always always always use the ’import mypackage’ form of import.”

# 11:45 pm

Learning Perl the Hard Way (via) I have no idea if this is any good or not because there’s no browsable HTML version.

# 11:50 pm

April 27, 2004

Web Services Theory and Practice. Tim Bray on avoiding over-complication.

# 3:19 pm

Creating a daemon the Python way (via) I always wondered how unix daemons were set up.

# 7:26 pm

Ten Questions for Keith Robinson. Another interview from the Web Standards Group.

# 7:27 pm

CSS-Discuss Wiki Spam

The css-discuss wiki has pretty much looked after itself since its inception a year and a half ago, thanks to a small but active community of wiki gardeners. Unfortunately, recent months have seen a rise in the amount of SEO spam hitting the site. Spam gets deleted pretty quickly, but there’s always room for more help to provide a faster turnaround. If you run an aggregator and don’t mind spending a minute or so a day tending the wiki you can sign up for the RecentChanges RSS feed and help check over new changes as and when they are made. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Bruner Blog: Skateboarding Dog. Freaking awesome!

# 9:07 pm

Reader Voices: Spyware Spread. What happens when you let people browse the web with Internet Explorer.

# 9:20 pm

April 28, 2004

HTMLTemplate for Python. New release: Version 0.4.0

# 5:06 am

Kill me before I finally snap... Tom Coates introduces the RHINE system. I’m somewhere near Strasbourg.

# 8:01 pm

April 29, 2004

Robotic traffic cones swarm onto highways (via) Students will steal these in their thousands.

# 2:09 am

The Evolution of Corporate Web Sites. Digital Web Magazine looks at the bigger picture.

# 2:30 am

Citizen Kubrick (via) A look inside Stanley Kubrick’s private archive.

# 7:05 am

NInterview with Miguel de Icaza (via) Lots of great stuff on Mono, and some scary stuff on Avalon and XAML.

# 9:49 am

Odds and ends. My latest SitePoint blog entry. I really need to get links to those flowing on to my main blog via RSS.

# 9:50 am

Ben Hammersley: Marathon des Sables. You’ll find this either awe inspiring or just plain nuts. Either way, you should read it.

# 11:02 am

A Basic Course in Dvorak. The problem with learning Dvorak is that it leaves you essentially unable to type for several weeks.

# 8:11 pm

April 30, 2004

Only in Kenya. Warning: horribly, horribly addictive Flash song. It’s by the guy who did the badgers.

# 12:50 am

2004 » April
