Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 26th April 2004

Kansas City web developer meetup

The last one was fun, so we’re having another. This time we’re shooting for Thursday April 29th at around 8pm, probably at a venue in Kansas City. If you’re interested in coming along drop a note to myself or Adrian and we’ll add you to the impromptu mailing list.

Pro-Symbian Internet m@fia and their machinations exposed. It’s a conspiracy! The funniest tripe I’ve read in quite a while.

# 6:49 am

Curious Javascript in .NET

I’ve never had the opportunity nor the inclination to do anything with .NET; at work we use open source tools for all of our web development, and I prefer open source tools for my own personal experiments as well. At any rate, the javascript:__doPostBack links I’ve seen on .NET powered sites such as Channel 9 and Orkut plain give me the willies.

[... 213 words]

Good Riddance To the Music Industry (via) V2 conduct a seance in a marketing meeting.

# 6:03 pm

V2’s Pre)Thing E-mail a Hoax (via) No seance after all.

# 11:13 pm

Victor Ng’s Weblog: python’s import is broken. “Never use ’from foo import baz’. Always always always use the ’import mypackage’ form of import.”

# 11:45 pm

Learning Perl the Hard Way (via) I have no idea if this is any good or not because there’s no browsable HTML version.

# 11:50 pm