Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 8th April 2004

Missed opportunity

Apple are missing out on a huge opportunity. I’ve bought 198 songs through the iTunes music store now, and iTunes has access to the other music that I’ve imported from my own CD collection. I want to discover new music—why doesn’t iTunes look at what I listen to, match it against buying habits tracked through the store and give me an Amazon style “people who like the music you listen to also liked...”. Privacy concerns could be avoided by having the recommendation feature off by default—I’d turn it on in a heart-beat.

About LOAF. Share your hashed address book and tell when a new contact is a friend-of-a-friend.

# 3:23 am

Jeffrey Veen: Editorial vs. Advertising. The screenshot will leave you speechless.

# 6:59 am

How To Sell Accessibility. Acts as a guide to selling standards as well.

# 7:37 am

The Memory Management Reference (via) For future reference.

# 4:42 pm

BBspot—W3C Announces New Features for CSS. "... CSS will support a new type of padding: padding_outside_of_the_friggin_element. Let’s see them mess that one up.”

# 4:43 pm (via) I like Crypto Cat.

# 4:57 pm

Downloading music gets more expensive (via) Recording Industry: “How can we screw our customers even more?”

# 11:12 pm