Simon Willison’s Weblog


April 2004

April 18, 2004

AntiRSI for OS X

OK, so I have to admit I gave up on WorkRave after about two weeks—it got on my nerves. Onne Gorter just dropped me an email about his free AntiRSI program for OS X and I’ve decided to give it a go. It draws a pretty icon in the Dock with a live updated timer for how long until your next rest break, and the source code is freely available. Let’s see if this one lasts longer than WorkRave did.

April 19, 2004

Planning for Disaster Recovery on LAMP Systems. Outstanding O’Reilly article on building easily recovered systems.

# 12:58 am

Spike (via) Network clipboard for Windows and OS X. Shame there’s no Linux version

# 2:07 am

Five Favourite Protocol Design Papers. Includes the classic “A Note on Distributed Computing”

# 2:09 am

Python Cookbook: Parsing the command line (via) Using optparse, but with the command line setup options stored in the program’s docstring.

# 1:51 pm / python

April 20, 2004

Internet Archive: FreeCache (via) Interesting approach to large file distribution, with no special client software required.

# 2:33 am

Why parrot in production? If you’re remotely interested in compiler technology or even just general computer science you should be reading Dan’s blog.

# 2:35 am

Will Trade Passwords For Chocolate (via) I’m not at all surprised. Most people see passwords as more of an annoyance than a security measure.

# 4:27 am / security, passwords

EFF: The Patent Busting Project (via) Awesome! Finally someone with the means to tackle crank internet patents.

# 4:29 am

Opinion with David Emberton (via) Compares standards to communism in the first sentence. Watch him get ripped apart in the comments.

# 3:35 pm

// hicksdesign :: Thunderbird (via) New Thunderbird logo to accompany the Firefox one. I like it.

# 5:50 pm

Vulnerability Issues in TCP. DoS attack against the protocol itself. This is not good.

# 9:45 pm

April 21, 2004

Slashdot Humour

Spotted in a thread about a newly discovered TCP/IP vulnerability:

[... 63 words]

Syndication By The Numbers. Two REALLY interesting uses of RSS and weblogs: one high traffic, one military.

# 8:02 am

Fixing sequence problems in PostgreSQL

This one’s mainly for my own future reference. The following error message in PostgreSQL:

[... 77 words]

April 22, 2004

Starting at Google next month (via) Google hires Jeremy Hylton and Greg Stein.

# 1:29 am

cssutils (via) CSS library for Python (parsing and generation)

# 2:35 am

Python in Mathematics

Python in the Mathematics Curriculum by Kirby Urner is something of a sprawling masterpiece. It really comes in four parts: the first is a history of computer science in education, the second an appraisal of the impact of open source on education and the world at last, the third a dive in to the things that make Python so suitable for enhancing the mathematics curriculum and the fourth a discussion of how computer science and traditional mathematics are likely to play off against each other in the field of high school education.

[... 319 words]

Looking For-Best of David Hasselhoff [IMPORT]. 905 positive reviews. Read them. The Song “Hot Shot City” is particularly good.

# 2:53 am

Why MySQL grew so fast (via) A report from the MySQL users conference.

# 3:46 am

Google and Akamai: Cult of Secrecy vs. Kingdom of Openness. Google is much bigger than they let on.

# 4:06 am

Mozilla 1.7 RC 1

There are some interesting tid-bits hidden away in the release notes for the new Mozilla 1.7 RC 1 release. The following in particular caught my eye:

[... 196 words]

April 23, 2004

The Nigerian TTY scam. Joe Clark on the IP relay scandal.

# 1:46 am

Pashua (via) Very clever OS X GUI widget tool for the scripting language of your choice.

# 4:11 am

IFR: An FIR Alternative. Image replacement with Flash.

# 9:25 pm

TypeKey is live (beta). TypeKey protocol reverse engineered

# 11:47 pm

2004 » April
