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7 posts tagged “versioning”


The thing about semver major version numbers are that they don't mean new stuff, they're a permanent reminder of how many times you got the API wrong. Semver doesn't mean MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, it means FAILS.FEATURES.BUGS

Will McGugan

# 6th August 2021, 4:17 pm / versioning, semver, will-mcgugan


sqlite-utils 1.0. I just released sqlite-utils 1.0, with a couple of handy new features over 0.14: it can now automatically add columns to a database table if you attempt to insert data which doesn’t quite fit (using alter=True in the Python API or the --alter option to the “sqlite-utils insert” command). It also has the ability to output nested JSON column values on the command-line using the new --json-cols option. This is the first project I’ve marked as a 1.0 release in a very long time—I’ll be sticking to semver for this project from now on, bumping the major version only in the case of a backwards incompatible change.

# 25th May 2019, 1:20 am / projects, versioning, sqlite, sqlite-utils, semver


System-Versioned Tables in MariaDB (via) Fascinating new feature from the SQL:2011 standard that’s getting its first working implementation in MariaDB 10.3.4. “ALTER TABLE products ADD SYSTEM VERSIONING;” causes the database to store every change made to that table—then you can run “SELECT * FROM products FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF TIMESTAMP @t1;” to query the data as of a specific point in time. I’ve tried all manner of horrible mechanisms for achieving this in the past, having it baked into the database itself would be fantastic.

# 25th April 2018, 2:34 pm / versioning, sql


Amazon S3: Versioning Proposal. The us-west-1 S3 bucket region now optionally supports versioning—once enabled on a bucket, all previous versions of keys will be preserved.

# 24th January 2010, 1:38 pm / s3, versioning, amazonaws, amazon, storage


Semantic Versioning. Tom Preston-Werner provides a name, specification and URL describing the relatively widely used Major.Minor.Patch versioning system. This is really useful—by giving something a name and a spec, people can say “this project uses semantic versioning” and skip having to explain their backwards compatibility policy in full.

# 15th December 2009, 9:53 pm / tom-preston-werner, versioning, open-source, software, naming-things, semanticversioning

Project Voldemort. Yet Another “big, distributed, persistent, fault-tolerant hash table”—this time from LinkedIn, released under the Apache 2.0 license. The approach to consistency is interesting—instead of using distributed transactions, they use versioning and “resolve inconsistencies at read time”. It also uses consistent hashing (as seen in libketama) to select servers. The design document has lots more information.

# 17th January 2009, 7:45 pm / consistency, hashtable, keyvaluepairs, linkedin, open-source, scaling, versioning, voldemort, libketama


Versioning REST Web Services. Peter Williams suggests using a vendor MIME media type in the Accept header to specify a required API version, because embedding the API version in the URL itself leads to a single resource ending up with many different URLs, one for each API version.

# 13th October 2008, 12:45 pm / rest, urls, peter-williams, versioning, contentnegotiation, accept, http