43 items tagged “talks”
Scope. Matt Webb’s opening keynote at this year’s reboot11. You owe it to yourself to read it.
djng—a Django powered microframework
djng is nearly two weeks old now, so it’s about time I wrote a bit about the project.
[... 1,501 words]2008
I’ve (probably) been using Google App Engine for a week longer than you have. My snappily titled App Engine introduction, presented at BarCamp London 4.
Debugging Django
I gave a talk on Debugging Django applications at Monday’s inaugural meeting of DJUGL, the London Django Users Group. I wanted to talk about something that wasn’t particularly well documented elsewhere, so I pitched the talk as “Bug Driven Development”—what happens when Test Driven Development goes the way of this unfortunate pony.
The slides [... 1,759 words]Comet at the Highland Fling. I thoroughly enjoyed the Highland Fling yesterday. Here are the slides from my talk on Comet.
Comet works, and it’s easier than you think
I gave a talk this morning at the Yahoo! Web Developer Summit on Comet, cometd and Bayeux.
[... 1,314 words]mySociety Disruptive Technology Talks. Four great talks coming up in London this Autumn, courtesy of the lovely folk at mySociety.
Building the Social Web with OpenID. Slides from my keynote at yesterday’s PyCon UK.
Advanced Django. Slides from my hour long tutorial at PyCon UK this morning. Most of the material was adapted from OSCON, but I also added a new section covering newforms.
Doing Local Right
“Doing Local Right” was the title of my talk at this year’s @media Europe. Patrick had asked me if I could put together a case study, and I jumped at the chance to share some of the work of my former colleagues at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas. I had the privilege of working at the newspaper for a year in late 2003-2004.
[... 735 words]Doing Local Right. The slides from my presentation at @media 2007.
JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture
I just gave my first talk at XTech 2007 (I’m speaking again on Friday, on OpenID). Slides are on slideshare.net.
[... 40 words]My Future of Web Apps talk as a slidecast
The team at Carson Systems have a pretty quick turnaround on their podcasts; they’ve had full recordings of every speaker up for a few days now. I spent a bunch of time over the weekend splicing the recording of my talk together with my slides, and the result is now available at The Future of OpenID (a slidecast).
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