10 posts tagged “slideshare”
If I write a blog, then use the same information to create a slideshare presentation, will that help or hurt my website’s SEO?
I would be absolutely amazed if you were hit by a duplicate content penalty for this. To a search engine spider (even a super advanced one) content formatted as a blog post and similar content repurposed as slides will look completely different.
[... 71 words]2012
How can you use SlideShare effectively to grow your professional reputation in a specific niche?
“How to integrate SlideShare activities with other social networks”
[... 208 words]2008
Debugging Django, a slidecast. I used SlideShare’s slidecast tool for the first time to synchronize audio of my Django London User Group talk with the slides. The talk included several live demos which aren’t represented in the slides so it’s a bit piecemeal in places.
SlideShare Groups: Future Of Web Apps. Some of the presentations from the Future of Web Apps conference.
Building the Social Web with OpenID. Slides from my keynote at yesterday’s PyCon UK.
Advanced Django. Slides from my hour long tutorial at PyCon UK this morning. Most of the material was adapted from OSCON, but I also added a new section covering newforms.
Building a JavaScript Library. Slides from John Resig’s Google Tech Talk. Some great tips in here, including: make your APIs orthogonal, look for common patterns, keep things extensible and write the documentation yourself.
The Django Web Application Framework. I’m slowly pushing my presentations from the past couple of years up to Slideshare. This is a Django talk from April 2006, so it’s a little out of date.
SlideShare: Webapps scalability. Lots of great presentations on scaling, from Twitter, Digg, Vox, LiveJournal, Last.fm and more.
Slideshows tagged with xtech2007. I like slideshare a lot.