72 posts tagged “rails”
OpenID makes web identities real and appealing. DHH has caught the OpenID bug. Expect to see a flurry of activity around OpenID in the Rails community over the next few weeks.
Rails 1.2.1 Impression. I hadn’t seen assert_select before, which lets you unit test generated HTML using CSS selectors; a really neat idea.
A brief update with some numbers for hardware load-balanced mongrels. 4000 requests/second on 48 mongrels behind a hardware load balancer.
Rails vs Django Paper and Slides. Even if you’ve already read the paper you should check out the slides. Really good flow, clear and clever use of diagrams.
Django on Dreamhost: incomplete headers. Fix this problem on Dreamhost by renaming django.fcgi to dispatch.fcgi (they special-case for Rails users; Django users can tag along).
On the total nondisclosure of the 8/9/06 [Rails] security vulnerability. The best argument I’ve seen in favour of full disclosure.
Rails 1.1.5: Mandatory security patch. Upgrade now, and spread the word.
punupgeek.com on Active Resource. Looks like 37 signals might be looking in to scaling across multiple servers using web services.
XML.com: REST on Rails. Matt Biddulph’s Rails mixin provides an instant REST interface to an ActiveRecord model.
The BBC’s programme catalogue (on Rails). Matt Biddulph’s current project is insanely cool.
Django and Rails London meetup
Here’s a date for your diary: Sam Newman is arranging a meetup for Django and Rails enthusiasts (and anyone else with an interest) on Monday the 5th of September at 7pm in Smiths of Smithfield. If you want to attend, leave a comment on Sam’s entry to give an idea of numbers. I’m signed up—it should be a fun evening.
Ruby on Rails and FastCGI: Scaling using processes instead of threads. Relates to the shared-nothing architecture.