Simon Willison’s Weblog


21 items tagged “jon-udell”


Some argue that by aggregating knowledge drawn from human experience, LLMs aren’t sources of creativity, as the moniker “generative” implies, but rather purveyors of mediocrity. Yes and no. There really are very few genuinely novel ideas and methods, and I don’t expect LLMs to produce them. Most creative acts, though, entail novel recombinations of known ideas and methods. Because LLMs radically boost our ability to do that, they are amplifiers of — not threats to — human creativity.

Jon Udell

# 10th August 2024, 5:57 pm / jon-udell, ai, generative-ai, llms


Ward Cunningham’s Visible Workings. Intriguing idea: software that explicitly reveals the underlying business logic in end-user understandable terms. I didn’t find the example very easy to comprehend but the concept is fascinating.

# 5th March 2008, 1:53 am / ward-cunningham, jon-udell

.aspx considered harmful. Jon Udell: “I guess I’m extra-sensitive to the .aspx thing now that I work for Microsoft, because I know that to folks outside the Microsoft ecosystem it screams: We don’t get the web.”—he goes on to mention that smart URL rewriting is thankfully built in to the upcoming ASP.NET MVC framework.

# 17th January 2008, 6:01 pm / urls, aspx, jon-udell, microsoft, aspnet, mvc


What do we call personal information management when it moves into shared online spaces? I asked myself that question, and the answer that came back was: social information management.

Jon Udell

# 27th November 2007, 10:05 pm / jon-udell, socialinformationmanagement

Why Guiness tastes better in Ireland. Two reasons: it’s more popular so kegs empty faster (and you always get a fresh pint), and Guinness send someone round to every pub to flush the lines once every three weeks.

# 22nd November 2007, 3:41 pm / guiness, ireland, drinking, pubs, jon-udell

Lacking a Strunk and White Elements of Style for URI namespace, we've made a mess of it. It's long past time to grow up and recognize the serious importance of principled design in this infinitely large namespace.

Jon Udell

# 24th May 2007, 4:38 pm / jon-udell, strunkandwhite, urldesign, urls

I believe this tribe is, over time, growing farther away from the rest of the world. That's happening for an interesting and important reason, which is that the tools we are building and using are accelerating our ability to build and use more of these tools.

Jon Udell

# 18th April 2007, 5:39 pm / jon-udell


A conversation with Jon Udell about his new job with Microsoft. Jon wants to bridge the gap between the alpha geeks and the mainstream.

# 8th December 2006, 2:16 pm / jon-udell, microsoft

Jon Udell’s The Screening Room: Dabble DB. Not quite as impactful as a “live” demo, but still really impressive.

# 1st November 2006, 12:16 pm / jon-udell, dabbledb

The Screening Room #8: IronPython. Screamingly cool demo, with commentary from Jim Hugunin and Jon Udell.

# 1st September 2006, 12:51 am / jon-udell, ironpython, python

The Screening Room #8: IronPython. Screamingly cool demo, with commentary from Jim Hugunin and Jon Udell.

# 1st September 2006, 12:51 am / jon-udell, ironpython, python


Toolkits for user innovation (via) Jon Udell’s last two paragraphs resonate strongly with me:

Von Hippel advances the notion of user innovation toolkits. The Apache Web server, with its modular architecture, is an example of such a toolkit. In the hands of skilled programmers, Apache can be, and often is, tailored to specific needs. When such customizations are shared, other users benefit. But so do Apache's developers, who, by observing what's done with the toolkit, can more intelligently evolve the core product.

Web-based software delivered as a service is, at its best, another kind of innovation toolkit. Users bring the data; developers wrangle the code; more useful innovation happens faster than it otherwise could.

# 3rd November 2005, 1:30 pm / jon-udell

Greasemonkey etiquette

In Meme tracking with Greasemonkey, Jon Udell introduces a userscript which grabs the number of references from and bloglines and appends that information to the top of every page you visit. To be fair on Jon, the version he has released defaults to only doing this for pages on but modifying it to run on every web page is trivial.

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Content, services, and the yin-yang of intermediation (via) Jon Udell combines LibraryLookup and Greasemonkey in his latest screencast.

# 4th April 2005, 6:19 am / jon-udell, greasemonkey

Greasemonkey as a lightweight intermediary

In The architecture of intermediation, Jon Udell discusses the need for a mechanism for a high-level tool for adding custom features to web applications. In Jon’s case, he wants to add a private bookmarks feature to Jon thought about using a web proxy to intercept and modify pages, but ruled it out as too low-level.

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The on-demand blogosphere. I get a bit-part in a Jon Udell screencast! This actually ties in to my final year project...

# 7th March 2005, 9:31 pm / jon-udell

InfoWorld: Year of the enterprise Wiki (via) Wikis for business collaboration make a whole ton of sense.

# 6th January 2005, 4:42 pm / jon-udell, wikis


Jon Udell: Pub/sub, tags, and human filters. Maybe style labels scale better than I thought.

# 13th August 2004, 5:34 pm / jon-udell, delicious

Jon Udell: Jon is doing some interesting things with the tagging system.

# 12th August 2004, 5:03 pm / jon-udell, delicious


PythonCard scriptlets

Kevin Altis on scripting applications written in PythonCard:

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