Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged codeinterpreter

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Building and testing C extensions for SQLite with ChatGPT Code Interpreter

I wrote yesterday about how I used Claude and ChatGPT Code Interpreter for simple ad-hoc side quests—in that case, for converting a shapefile to GeoJSON and merging it into a single polygon.

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Claude and ChatGPT for ad-hoc sidequests

Here is a short, illustrative example of one of the ways in which I use Claude and ChatGPT on a daily basis.

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Exploring GPTs: ChatGPT in a trench coat?

The biggest announcement from last week’s OpenAI DevDay (and there were a LOT of announcements) was GPTs. Users of ChatGPT Plus can now create their own, custom GPT chat bots that other Plus subscribers can then talk to.

[... 5699 words]

Weeknotes: Miscellaneous research into Rye, ChatGPT Code Interpreter and openai-to-sqlite

I gave myself some time off stressing about my core responsibilities this week after PyCon, which meant allowing myself to be distracted by some miscellaneous research projects.

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Running Python micro-benchmarks using the ChatGPT Code Interpreter alpha

Today I wanted to understand the performance difference between two Python implementations of a mechanism to detect changes to a SQLite database schema. I rendered the difference between the two as this chart:

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