Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged anthropic, openai in 2024

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mistralai/mistral-common. New from Mistral: mistral-common, an open source Python library providing "a set of tools to help you work with Mistral models".

So far that means a tokenizer! This is similar to OpenAI's tiktoken library in that it lets you run tokenization in your own code, which crucially means you can count the number of tokens that you are about to use - useful for cost estimates but also for cramming the maximum allowed tokens in the context window for things like RAG.

Mistral's library is better than tiktoken though, in that it also includes logic for correctly calculating the tokens needed for conversation construction and tool definition. With OpenAI's APIs you're currently left guessing how many tokens are taken up by these advanced features.

Anthropic haven't published any form of tokenizer at all - it's the feature I'd most like to see from them next.

Here's how to explore the vocabulary of the tokenizer:


['<unk>', '<s>', '</s>', '[INST]', '[/INST]', '[TOOL_CALLS]', '[AVAILABLE_TOOLS]', '[/AVAILABLE_TOOLS]', '[TOOL_RESULTS]', '[/TOOL_RESULTS]'] # 18th April 2024, 12:39 am

“The king is dead”—Claude 3 surpasses GPT-4 on Chatbot Arena for the first time. I’m quoted in this piece by Benj Edwards for Ars Technica:

“For the first time, the best available models—Opus for advanced tasks, Haiku for cost and efficiency—are from a vendor that isn’t OpenAI. That’s reassuring—we all benefit from a diversity of top vendors in this space. But GPT-4 is over a year old at this point, and it took that year for anyone else to catch up.” # 27th March 2024, 4:58 pm

The new Claude 3 model family from Anthropic. Claude 3 is out, and comes in three sizes: Opus (the largest), Sonnet and Haiku.

Claude 3 Opus has self-reported benchmark scores that consistently beat GPT-4. This is a really big deal: in the 12+ months since the GPT-4 release no other model has consistently beat it in this way. It’s exciting to finally see that milestone reached by another research group.

The pricing model here is also really interesting. Prices here are per-million-input-tokens / per-million-output-tokens:

Claude 3 Opus: $15 / $75
Claude 3 Sonnet: $3 / $15
Claude 3 Haiku: $0.25 / $1.25

All three models have a 200,000 length context window and support image input in addition to text.

Compare with today’s OpenAI prices:

GPT-4 Turbo (128K): $10 / $30
GPT-4 8K: $30 / $60
GPT-4 32K: $60 / $120
GPT-3.5 Turbo: $0.50 / $1.50

So Opus pricing is comparable with GPT-4, more than GPT-4 Turbo and significantly cheaper than GPT-4 32K... Sonnet is cheaper than all of the GPT-4 models (including GPT-4 Turbo), and Haiku (which has not yet been released to the Claude API) will be cheaper even than GPT-3.5 Turbo.

It will be interesting to see if OpenAI respond with their own price reductions. # 4th March 2024, 6:34 pm



