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One consideration is that such a deep ML system could well be developed outside of Google-- at Microsoft, Baidu, Yandex, Amazon, Apple, or even a startup. My impression is that the Translate team experienced this. Deep ML reset the translation game; past advantages were sort of wiped out. Fortunately, Google’s huge investment in deep ML largely paid off, and we excelled in this new game. Nevertheless, our new ML-based translator was still beaten on benchmarks by a small startup. The risk that Google could similarly be beaten in relevance by another company is highlighted by a startling conclusion from BERT: huge amounts of user feedback can be largely replaced by unsupervised learning from raw text. That could have heavy implications for Google.

Eric Lehman, internal Google email in 2018 # 11th February 2024, 10:59 pm

Reality is that LLMs are not AGI -- they’re a big curve fit to a very large dataset. They work via memorization and interpolation. But that interpolative curve can be tremendously useful, if you want to automate a known task that’s a match for its training data distribution.

Memorization works, as long as you don’t need to adapt to novelty. You don’t *need* intelligence to achieve usefulness across a set of known, fixed scenarios.

François Chollet # 10th February 2024, 6:39 am

Google’s Gemini Advanced: Tasting Notes and Implications. Ethan Mollick reviews the new Google Gemini Advanced—a rebranded Bard, released today, that runs on the GPT-4 competitive Gemini Ultra model.

“GPT-4 [...] has been the dominant AI for well over a year, and no other model has come particularly close. Prior to Gemini, we only had one advanced AI model to look at, and it is hard drawing conclusions with a dataset of one. Now there are two, and we can learn a few things.”

I like Ethan’s use of the term “tasting notes” here. Reminds me of how Matt Webb talks about being a language model sommelier. # 8th February 2024, 3:10 pm

llm-sentence-transformers 0.2. I added a new --trust-remote-code option when registering an embedding model, which means LLM can now run embeddings through the new Nomic AI nomic-embed-text-v1 model. # 4th February 2024, 7:39 pm

Introducing Nomic Embed: A Truly Open Embedding Model. A new text embedding model from Nomic AI which supports 8192 length sequences, claims better scores than many other models (including OpenAI’s new text-embedding-3-small) and is available as both a hosted API and a run-yourself model. The model is Apache 2 licensed and Nomic have released the full set of training data and code.

From the accompanying paper: “Full training of nomic-embed-text-v1 can be conducted in a single week on one 8xH100 node.” # 3rd February 2024, 11:13 pm

Open Language Models (OLMos) and the LLM landscape (via) OLMo is a newly released LLM from the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) currently available in 7b and 1b parameters (OLMo-65b is on the way) and trained on a fully openly published dataset called Dolma.

The model and code are Apache 2, while the data is under the “AI2 ImpACT license”.

From the benchmark scores shared here by Nathan Lambert it looks like this may be the highest performing model currently available that was built using a fully documented training set.

What’s in Dolma? It’s mainly Common Crawl, Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg and the Stack. # 2nd February 2024, 4:11 am

LLMs may offer immense value to society. But that does not warrant the violation of copyright law or its underpinning principles. We do not believe it is fair for tech firms to use rightsholder data for commercial purposes without permission or compensation, and to gain vast financial rewards in the process. There is compelling evidence that the UK benefits economically, politically and societally from upholding a globally respected copyright regime.

UK House of Lords report on Generative AI # 2nd February 2024, 3:54 am

For many people in many organizations, their measurable output is words—words in emails, in reports, in presentations. We use words as proxy for many things: the number of words is an indicator of effort, the quality of the words is an indicator of intelligence, the degree to which the words are error-free is an indicator of care.

[...] But now every employee with Copilot can produce work that checks all the boxes of a formal report without necessarily representing underlying effort.

Ethan Mollick # 2nd February 2024, 3:34 am

ChunkViz (via) Handy tool by Greg Kamradt to help understand how different text chunking mechanisms work by visualizing them. Chunking is an important part of preparing text to be embedded for semantic search, and thanks to this tool I’ve finally got a solid mental model of what recursive character text splitting does. # 2nd February 2024, 2:23 am

teknium/OpenHermes-2.5 (via) The Nous-Hermes and Open Hermes series of LLMs, fine-tuned on top of base models like Llama 2 and Mistral, have an excellent reputation and frequently rank highly on various leaderboards.

The developer behind them, Teknium, just released the full set of fine-tuning data that they curated to build these models. It’s a 2GB JSON file with over a million examples of high quality prompts, responses and some multi-prompt conversations, gathered from a number of different sources and described in the data card. # 1st February 2024, 4:18 am

Getting Started With CUDA for Python Programmers (via) if, like me, you’ve avoided CUDA programming (writing efficient code that runs on NVIGIA GPUs) in the past, Jeremy Howard has a new 1hr17m video tutorial that demystifies the basics. The code is all run using PyTorch in notebooks running on Google Colab, and it starts with a very clear demonstration of how to convert a RGB image to black and white. # 29th January 2024, 9:23 pm

llm-embed-onnx. I wrote a new plugin for LLM that acts as a thin wrapper around onnx_embedding_models by Benjamin Anderson, providing access to seven embedding models that can run on the ONNX model framework.

The actual plugin is around 50 lines of code, which makes for a nice example of how thin a plugin wrapper can be that adds new models to my LLM tool. # 28th January 2024, 10:28 pm

ColBERT query-passage scoring interpretability (via) Neat interactive visualization tool for understanding what the ColBERT embedding model does—this works by loading around 50MB of model files directly into your browser and running them with WebAssembly. # 28th January 2024, 4:49 pm

Simon Willison interview: AI software still needs the human touch. Thomas Claburn interviewed me for The Register. We talked about AI training copyright, applications of AI for programming, AI security and a whole bunch of other topics. # 27th January 2024, 10:08 pm

Danielle Del, a spokeswoman for Sasso, said Dudesy is not actually an A.I.

“It’s a fictional podcast character created by two human beings, Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen,” Del wrote in an email. “The YouTube video ‘I’m Glad I’m Dead’ was completely written by Chad Kultgen.”

George Carlin’s Estate Sues Podcasters Over A.I. Episode # 27th January 2024, 5:52 pm

The Articulation Barrier: Prompt-Driven AI UX Hurts Usability. Jakob Nielsen: “Generative AI systems like ChatGPT use prose prompts for intent-based outcomes, requiring users to be articulate in writing prose, which is a challenge for half of the population in rich countries.” # 27th January 2024, 3:49 pm

LLM 0.13: The annotated release notes

I just released LLM 0.13, the latest version of my LLM command-line tool for working with Large Language Models—both via APIs and running models locally using plugins.

[... 1278 words]

Did an AI write that hour-long “George Carlin” special? I’m not convinced. Two weeks ago “Dudesy”, a comedy podcast which claims to be controlled and written by an AI, released an extremely poor taste hour long YouTube video called “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead”. They used voice cloning to produce a stand-up comedy set featuring the late George Carlin, claiming to also use AI to write all of the content after training it on everything in the Carlin back catalog.

Unsurprisingly this has resulted in a massive amount of angry coverage, including from Carlin’s own daughter (the Carlin estate have filed a lawsuit). Resurrecting people without their permission is clearly abhorrent.

But... did AI even write this? The author of this piece, Kyle Orland, started digging in.

It turns out the Dudesy podcast has been running with this premise since it launched in early 2022—long before any LLM was capable of producing a well-crafted joke. The structure of the Carlin set goes way beyond anything I’ve seen from even GPT-4. And in a follow-up podcast episode, Dudesy co-star Chad Kultgen gave an O. J. Simpson-style “if I did it” semi-confession that described a much more likely authorship process.

I think this is a case of a human-pretending-to-be-an-AI—an interesting twist, given that the story started out being about an-AI-imitating-a-human.

I consulted with Kyle on this piece, and got a couple of neat quotes in there:

“Either they have genuinely trained a custom model that can generate jokes better than any model produced by any other AI researcher in the world... or they’re still doing the same bit they started back in 2022”

“The real story here is… everyone is ready to believe that AI can do things, even if it can’t. In this case, it’s pretty clear what’s going on if you look at the wider context of the show in question. But anyone without that context, [a viewer] is much more likely to believe that the whole thing was AI-generated… thanks to the massive ramp up in the quality of AI output we have seen in the past 12 months.”

Update 27th January 2024: The NY Times confirmed via a spokesperson for the podcast that the entire special had been written by Chad Kultgen, not by an AI. # 26th January 2024, 4:52 am

Fairly Trained launches certification for generative AI models that respect creators’ rights. I’ve been using the term “vegan models” for a while to describe machine learning models that have been trained in a way that avoids using unlicensed, copyrighted data. Fairly Trained is a new non-profit initiative that aims to encourage such models through a “certification” stamp of approval.

The team is lead by Ed Newton-Rex, who was previously VP of Audio at Stability AI before leaving over ethical concerns with the way models were being trained. # 25th January 2024, 4:29 am

Django Chat: Datasette, LLMs, and Django. I’m the guest on the latest episode of the Django Chat podcast. We talked about Datasette, LLMs, the New York Times OpenAI lawsuit, the Python Software Foundation and all sorts of other topics. # 24th January 2024, 8:41 pm

Google Research: Lumiere. The latest in text-to-video from Google Research, described as “a text-to-video diffusion model designed for synthesizing videos that portray realistic, diverse and coherent motion”.

Most existing text-to-video models generate keyframes and then use other models to fill in the gaps, which frequently leads to a lack of coherency. Lumiere “generates the full temporal duration of the video at once”, which avoids this problem.

Disappointingly but unsurprisingly the paper doesn’t go into much detail on the training data, beyond stating “We train our T2V model on a dataset containing 30M videos along with their text caption. The videos are 80 frames long at 16 fps (5 seconds)”.

The examples of “stylized generation” which combine a text prompt with a single reference image for style are particularly impressive. # 24th January 2024, 7:58 pm

Prompt Lookup Decoding (via) Really neat LLM optimization trick by Apoorv Saxena, who observed that it’s common for sequences of tokens in LLM input to be reflected by the output—snippets included in a summarization, for example.

Apoorv’s code performs a simple search for such prefixes and uses them to populate a set of suggested candidate IDs during LLM token generation.

The result appears to provide around a 2.4x speed-up in generating outputs! # 23rd January 2024, 2:14 am

AWS Fixes Data Exfiltration Attack Angle in Amazon Q for Business. An indirect prompt injection (where the AWS Q bot consumes malicious instructions) could result in Q outputting a markdown link to a malicious site that exfiltrated the previous chat history in a query string.

Amazon fixed it by preventing links from being output at all—apparently Microsoft 365 Chat uses the same mitigation. # 19th January 2024, 12:02 pm

Talking about Open Source LLMs on Oxide and Friends

I recorded an episode of the Oxide and Friends podcast on Monday, talking with Bryan Cantrill and Adam Leventhal about Open Source LLMs.

[... 1995 words]

Open Source LLMs with Simon Willison. I was invited to the Oxide and Friends weekly audio show (previously on Twitter Spaces, now using broadcast using Discord) to talk about open source LLMs, and to respond to a very poorly considered op-ed calling for them to be regulated as “uniquely dangerous”. It was a really fun conversation, now available to listen to as a podcast or YouTube audio-only video. # 17th January 2024, 8:53 pm

On being listed in the court document as one of the artists whose work was used to train Midjourney, alongside 4,000 of my closest friends (via) Poignant webcomic from Cat and Girl.

“I want to make my little thing and put it out in the world and hope that sometimes it means something to somebody else.

Without exploiting anyone.

And without being exploited.” # 16th January 2024, 7:02 pm

You likely have a TinyML system in your pocket right now: every cellphone has a low power DSP chip running a deep learning model for keyword spotting, so you can say “Hey Google” or “Hey Siri” and have it wake up on-demand without draining your battery. It’s an increasingly pervasive technology. [...]

It’s astonishing what is possible today: real time computer vision on microcontrollers, on-device speech transcription, denoising and upscaling of digital signals. Generative AI is happening, too, assuming you can find a way to squeeze your models down to size. We are an unsexy field compared to our hype-fueled neighbors, but the entire world is already filling up with this stuff and it’s only the very beginning. Edge AI is being rapidly deployed in a ton of fields: medical sensing, wearables, manufacturing, supply chain, health and safety, wildlife conservation, sports, energy, built environment—we see new applications every day.

Daniel Situnayake # 16th January 2024, 6:49 pm

Daniel Situnayake explains TinyML in a Hacker News comment. Daniel worked on TensorFlow Lite at Google and co-wrote the TinyML O’Reilly book. He just posted a multi-paragraph comment on Hacker News explaining the term and describing some of the recent innovations in that space.

“TinyML means running machine learning on low power embedded devices, like microcontrollers, with constrained compute and memory.” # 16th January 2024, 6:46 pm

More than an OpenAI Wrapper: Perplexity Pivots to Open Source. I’m increasingly impressed with—I’m using it on a daily basis now. It’s by far the best implementation I’ve seen of LLM-assisted search—beating Microsoft Bing and Google Bard at their own game.

A year ago it was implemented as a GPT 3.5 powered wrapper around Microsoft Bing. To my surprise they’ve now evolved way beyond that: Perplexity has their own search index now and is running their own crawlers, and they’re using variants of Mistral 7B and Llama 70B as their models rather than continuing to depend on OpenAI. # 13th January 2024, 6:12 am

Budgeting with ChatGPT (via) Jon Callahan describes an ingenious system he set up to categorize his credit card transactions using GPT 3.5. He has his bank email him details of any transaction over $0, then has an email filter to forward those to Postmark, which sends them via a JSON webhook to a custom Deno Deploy app which cleans the transaction up with a GPT 3.5 prompt (including guessing the merchant) and submits the results to a base in Airtable. # 11th January 2024, 4:40 am