Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 7th October 2024

VTracer (via) VTracer is an open source library written in Rust for converting raster images (JPEG, PNG etc) to vector SVG.

This VTracer web app provides access to a WebAssembly compiled version of the library, with a UI that lets you open images, tweak the various options and download the resulting SVG.

Screenshot of VisionCortex VTracer web interface. Central image shows a surreal scene with a giant pelican wearing a monocle, overlooking a coastal city with yachts and an F1 car. UI elements include: logo, download options, and image processing controls for clustering, filtering, color precision, gradient step, and curve fitting.

I heard about this today on Twitter in a reply to my tweet demonstrating a much, much simpler Image to SVG tool I built with the help of Claude and the handy imagetracerjs library by András Jankovics.

# 4:17 am / svg, rust, webassembly (via) Neat little site by Wes Bos: it serves SVG (or PNG for Safari) favicons of every Emoji, which can be added to any site like this:

<link rel="icon" href="🔥" />

The source code is on GitHub. It runs on Deno and Deno Deploy, and recently added per-Emoji hit counters powered by the Deno KV store, implemented in db.ts using this pattern:

export function incrementCount(emoji: string) {
  const VIEW_KEY = [`favicon`, `${emoji}`];
  return db.atomic().sum(
    VIEW_KEY, 1n
  ).commit(); // Increment KV by 1

# 6:46 am / favicon, javascript, svg, deno

Datasette 0.65. Python 3.13 was released today, which broke compatibility with the Datasette 0.x series due to an issue with an underlying dependency. I've fixed that problem by vendoring and fixing the dependency and the new 0.65 release works on Python 3.13 (but drops support for Python 3.8, which is EOL this month). Datasette 1.0a16 added support for Python 3.13 last month.

# 6:07 pm / projects, python, datasette

What’s New in Ruby on Rails 8 (via)

Rails 8 takes SQLite from a lightweight development tool to a reliable choice for production use, thanks to extensive work on the SQLite adapter and Ruby driver.

With the introduction of the solid adapters discussed above, SQLite now has the capability to power Action Cable, Rails.cache, and Active Job effectively, expanding its role beyond just prototyping or testing environments. [...]

  • Transactions default to IMMEDIATE mode to improve concurrency.

Also included in Rails 8: Kamal, a new automated deployment system by 37signals for self-hosting web applications on hardware or virtual servers:

Kamal basically is Capistrano for Containers, without the need to carefully prepare servers in advance. No need to ensure that the servers have just the right version of Ruby or other dependencies you need. That all lives in the Docker image now. You can boot a brand new Ubuntu (or whatever) server, add it to the list of servers in Kamal, and it’ll be auto-provisioned with Docker, and run right away.

More from the official blog post about the release:

At 37signals, we're building a growing suite of apps that use SQLite in production with ONCE. There are now thousands of installations of both Campfire and Writebook running in the wild that all run SQLite. This has meant a lot of real-world pressure on ensuring that Rails (and Ruby) is working that wonderful file-based database as well as it can be. Through proper defaults like WAL and IMMEDIATE mode. Special thanks to Stephen Margheim for a slew of such improvements and Mike Dalessio for solving a last-minute SQLite file corruption issue in the Ruby driver.

# 7:17 pm / 37-signals, rails, ruby, sqlite, docker

What’s New In Python 3.13. It's Python 3.13 release day today. The big signature features are a better REPL with improved error messages, an option to run Python without the GIL and the beginnings of the new JIT. Here are some of the smaller highlights I spotted while perusing the release notes.

iOS and Android are both now Tier 3 supported platforms, thanks to the efforts of Russell Keith-Magee and the Beeware project. Tier 3 means "must have a reliable buildbot" but "failures on these platforms do not block a release". This is still a really big deal for Python as a mobile development platform.

There's a whole bunch of smaller stuff relevant to SQLite.

Python's dbm module has long provided a disk-backed key-value store against multiple different backends. 3.13 introduces a new backend based on SQLite, and makes it the default.

>>> import dbm
>>> db ="/tmp/hi", "c")
>>> db["hi"] = 1

The "c" option means "Open database for reading and writing, creating it if it doesn’t exist".

After running the above, /tmp/hi was a SQLite database containing the following data:

sqlite3 /tmp/hi .dump
PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
    value BLOB NOT NULL
INSERT INTO Dict VALUES(X'6869',X'31');

The function can detect which type of storage is being referenced. I found the implementation for that in the whichdb(filename) function.

I was hopeful that this change would mean Python 3.13 deployments would be guaranteed to ship with a more recent SQLite... but it turns out 3.15.2 is from November 2016 so still quite old:

SQLite 3.15.2 or newer is required to build the sqlite3 extension module. (Contributed by Erlend Aasland in gh-105875.)

The conn.iterdump() SQLite method now accepts an optional filter= keyword argument taking a LIKE pattern for the tables that you want to dump. I found the implementation for that here.

And one last change which caught my eye because I could imagine having code that might need to be updated to reflect the new behaviour:

pathlib.Path.glob() and rglob() now return both files and directories if a pattern that ends with "**" is given, rather than directories only. Add a trailing slash to keep the previous behavior and only match directories.

With the release of Python 3.13, Python 3.8 is officially end-of-life. Łukasz Langa:

If you're still a user of Python 3.8, I don't blame you, it's a lovely version. But it's time to move on to newer, greater things. Whether it's typing generics in built-in collections, pattern matching, except*, low-impact monitoring, or a new pink REPL, I'm sure you'll find your favorite new feature in one of the versions we still support. So upgrade today!

# 7:36 pm / android, mobile, python, russell-keith-magee, sqlite, ios, lukasz-langa, beeware

Thoughts on the Treasurer Role at Tech NonProfits. Will Vincent, Django Software Foundation treasurer from 2020-2022, explains what’s involved in the non-profit role with the highest level of responsibility and trust.

# 10:41 pm / django, dsf

2024 » October
