Simon Willison’s Weblog


June 2007

June 21, 2007

The State of Proxy Caching. If you’ve always wondered exactly what intermediate proxies are going to do to your carefully constructed Web application, here’s your answer.

# 2:18 pm / mark-nottingham, proxies, caching, http

June 22, 2007

SELECT * FROM everything, or why databases are awesome. I’m beginning to think that for scalable applications the thinner your ORM is the better—if you even use one at all.

# 12:40 am / rails, orm, blaine-cook, scaling, twitter, databases, sql

June 26, 2007

Drupal 6 and OpenID. “The implementation is all Drupal native code—no third party libraries were used.”

# 12:26 am / drupal, openid, php

Index of /drupal/modules/openid. Drupal’s OpenID implementation in CVS.

# 12:26 am / drupal, openid, php, cvs

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference. “Registration is via a confidential money transfer.”

# 1:27 am / spam, funny

Importing your social network from other sites. Dopplr now does this from GMail, Twitter, vCard or hCard and XFN. I’m convinced that contact import is a killer app for OpenID.

# 1:46 am / openid, dopplr, contactimport, xfn, microformats, hcard, twitter, gmail, vcard

June 27, 2007

Django status update: June 26. Outstanding detailed overview of recent happenings in the Django community, courtesy of Clint Ecker.

# 2:30 pm / clint-ecker, django

June 28, 2007

OpenID: Why, how, 37signals. 37signals just enabled OpenID on Basecamp as well as Highrise. This is their excellent attempt at explaining its benefits.

# 1:38 am / highrise, basecamp, openid, 37-signals

My Google Tech Talk on OpenID. I gave this extended and improved version of my “Implications of OpenID” talk at Google on Monday. Fast turnaround on the video!

# 8 am / speaking, openid, google, techtalk, google-video

How to convert a VMWare virtual appliance to work with Parallels. Anyone know the best option for creating a virtual machine that can easily be used by Parallels and VMWare alike?

# 10:23 am / virtualization, parallels, vmware

June 29, 2007

Binary marble adding machine. Watch the video.

# 12:44 am / video, binary, woodwork, make, marbles

Once people see that a pretty good phone can be a pretty good mobile computer, they won’t settle for less anymore; and mobile networks will be pried open.

Ed Felten

# 4:58 pm / edfelten, iphone, mobile

June 30, 2007

Appalachian. “Appalachian is a Firefox add-on that adds the ability to manage and use several OpenIDs to ease the login parts of your browsing experience.”

# 1:36 pm / appalachian, firefox, openid, plugins

Does negative press make you Sicko? (via) Google’s Health Advertising Blog encourages the healthcare industry to buy ads against Sicko as part of an “issue management campaign” to help “educate” the public. Creepy.

# 6 pm / healthcare, google, creepy, sicko

A note about simple registration

Simple registration is an extension that allows OpenID consumers to ask your provider for extra information—your name, e-mail address, date of birth and so on.

[... 391 words]

Python, Mac OS X, and Readline. This worked for me, though you need to already have gcc and svn installed. It’s crap like this that made me switch to Ubuntu on Parallels for most of my Python development.

# 10:24 pm / osx, python, rant, ubuntu, parallels, readline

jQuery plugin: Validation. Pretty clever way of attacking the client-side form validation problem; supports both configuration object literals and custom attributes on the form fields themselves.

# 10:26 pm / validation, javascript, jquery, plugins

2007 » June
