Simon Willison’s Weblog


June 2004

June 9, 2004

Against Search Engine Optimisers... Tom Coates on SEO, a year ago.

# 3:40 pm Examples : Bending the Matrix (via) That’s some pretty crazy image replacement!

# 3:43 pm even more fun with subdomains (via) “As of today, in an attempt to pollute subdomainspace even further...”

# 3:48 pm

Small Values of Cool: 5250 fans aren’t Luddutes. Serious data entry clerks and mice just don’t mix.

# 3:55 pm

Mozilla Firefox 0.9 Release Notes. I just installed 0.9 RC 1 on my Mac. It’s prettier than 0.8.

# 8:08 pm

WHAT’s Next. More WHAT punnage, with thoughts from Dave Shea.

# 8:30 pm

June 10, 2004

Protect Data in Panther (via) Storing notes in your Keychain and saving files in encrypted disk images.

# 5:39 am

A Reason to Visit Lawrence, Kansas. We’re hosting a couple two-day conferences.

# 5:35 pm

June 11, 2004

Standards-War Stupidity. “... in my opening remarks I said we were not going to tolerate any childish ad-hominem bullshit in this process ...”

# 3:57 am

Embracing Best Practice

D. Keith Robinson is Sick of Web Standards, and to a certain extent, so am I. Like Keith, I’m not sick of standards themselves; I’ve been using them for over two years now and couldn’t conceive of developing without them. Unlike Keith, I’m not tired of advocating them—but I thoroughly believe that it’s time to extend the discussion.

[... 396 words]

JavaScript and accessibility. Matt May is seeking JavaScripters to help build a library of accessible scripts.

# 6:40 am

Catching web standards. Web standards can be sexually transmitted!

# 6:52 am

PyObjC 1.1 (and move to subversion). “Because it is a Subversion repository, that same URL can be used to browser the source, checkout the source via Subversion, or mount the PyObjC repository in the Finder and copy out any branch, tag or the trunk by simple drag-n-drop.”

# 6:53 am / pyobjc, subversion, osx

Employee #3201234954. youngpup joins the collective.

# 5:12 pm

A Practical Start to Web Standards (via) An introduction.

# 9:04 pm

The Internet: ’A Dirty Mess’ (via) This time it’s Bruce Sterling highlighting the darker side of cyberspace.

# 9:09 pm

Understanding ASP.NET View State (via) I still think it’s a revolting hack.

# 9:11 pm

Writing Code Is Stupid (via) Argues that the future for many applications lies in code generation.

# 9:12 pm

June 12, 2004

’Game’: Fun with databases. Adrian discusses our latest site launch.

# 12:14 am / adrian-holovaty

June 13, 2004

Lights Up! (via) Lighting balloons for the film industry. These things look awesome!

# 12:07 am

Creating a Pullquote with Javascript (via) This is a smart approach. It eliminates pull-quote redundancy by automatically creating the pull-quote from inline flagged content.

# 12:58 am

June 15, 2004

If newspaper Web sites aren’t like blogs, at least they’re not like Fox News. The redesign looks “like a porn site without the tits”.

# 8:19 pm

Bruce vs. Bruce (via) Schneier and Sterling discuss security and technology.

# 10:04 pm / bruce-schneier, bruce-sterling, security

A Response to the League of Women Voters (via) Voting machine FAQ debunked.

# 10:04 pm

June 16, 2004

The orange XML icon sucks

I’m not a fan of the orange XML icon, even though I use it on my categories page. I love the concept of a universally recognised icon for RSS feeds, but XML is simply the wrong acronym to put on it. Don’t think it’s liable to cause confusion? Check out this excerpt from (emphasis mine):

[... 160 words]

Survey: 2 million bank accounts robbed (via) Phishing works.

# 11:42 pm

Joel on Software—How Microsoft Lost the API War. Read it through for a fascinating conclusion.

# 11:43 pm

MediaSavvy (via) Excellent Online News industry insight.

# 11:46 pm

The Observer Pattern in Python (via) Makes smart use of weak references.

# 11:55 pm

2004 » June
