Simon Willison’s Weblog


June 2004

June 17, 2004

Colour me Spammy. Smart tip from Drew on sending bulk emails using Unix.

# 12:53 am

Firefox Extension: Bookmarks Synchronizer (via) Very, very cool. Syncs bookmarks via an FTP server.

# 4:36 pm

Linus vs. Tanenbaum (via) Linux vs. MINIX back in 1992.

# 5:07 pm

The IE team’s Group Program Manager speaks (via) Comment on Channel 9, emphasizes importance of backwards compatibility.

# 5:45 pm

June 18, 2004

Microsoft Research DRM talk. Cory tells MS why they should sit out on DRM.

# 4:51 pm

Dynamically underlining accesskeys (via) Nifty DHTML.

# 9:42 pm

Accessing your Gmail inbox with Python. Adrian’s ultra-cool, TOS-violating gmail hack.

# 11:25 pm

I have some gmail invites

I have four gmail invites left. The first four people to leave a comment with their email address can have them (put it in the email field and fill in a URL as well if you’re worried about spam harvesters—the email won’t be displayed but I’ll still have access to it). No random gift or good deed necessary—consider it a “thank you” for reading.

[... 144 words]

June 19, 2004

FCKeditor—The text editor for Internet (via) Looks like the best cross-browser rich text editor package yet (LGPL).

# 12:37 am

June 23, 2004

Tantek’s Fridge

Recently spotted on Tantek’s fridge:

[... 18 words]

June 25, 2004

Coalition: Vast Majority Of Iraqis Still Alive. So at least there’s some good news...

# 8:22 pm

June 26, 2004

Developing With Web Standards (via) Next time someone asks you about standards, point them to this.

# 10:55 pm

PHP, XML, and Character Encodings: a tale of sadness, rage, and (data-)loss (via) Fixing some very funky behaviour in PHP’s XML parser.

# 11:24 pm

June 28, 2004

Developing a URL structure for broadcast radio sites... Anally-retentive URL design. Love it!

# 4:38 pm

June 29, 2004

Fancy a job?

My placement here in Lawrence, Kansas comes to an end in a few months time, and I’m now in the interesting position of needing to find my own replacement. I’m not going to beat around the bush: this is a fantastic job and an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for a way in to the online news industry. The team here has won so many awards it’s hard to keep track of them all, and is very well respected within the industry.

[... 447 words]

Zeldman on why drop down menus suck. Good for pointing people to.

# 4:39 pm

San Francisco Photos, June 2004 (via) Photos from my trip to San Francisco.

# 4:43 pm

Jonathan Schwartz’s Weblog (via) The first Fortune 500 board member with a weblog?

# 5:22 pm

Friendster goes PHP (via) Notable performance improvement over the old JSP/Tomcat setup.

# 10:18 pm

June 30, 2004

’E&P’ Picks Its Annual ’10 Newspapers That Do It Right’. The Journal-World made the list.

# 8:55 pm

XMLStarlet Command Line XML Toolkit (via) Process XML with Unix pipes.

# 10:55 pm

2004 » June
