106 posts tagged “yahoo”
Browser Cache Usage—Exposed! Includes real numbers for browser cache usage on some of Yahoo!’s most popular pages.
Introducing Operator. New microformat detecting Firefox extension, developed at IBM and released by Mozilla Labs. Examples are from Yahoo! Local, Upcoming and Flickr.
Yahoo! aerial imagery in OpenStreetMap. Tracing is allowed. This should speed things up an awful lot.
Y! Cool Thing: Mapping The Globe. Yahoo! finally adds international maps, with great coverage.
Yahoo! bookmarks uses symfony. Top reason for the decision was the excellent documentation.
Menuism on Y! BBAuth. 70% of new users chose to use their Yahoo! account rather than create a new one.
Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication (via) This is a Really Big Deal. Yahoo! has over 200 million /active/ user accounts.
YDN Python Developer Center. Launched today: tips and tutorials on accessing Yahoo! Web services from Python.
Video: Joe Hewitt Talks About FireBug. Demo / tutorial.
Notes from my Yahoo! UI Library talk
I gave my talk on the Yahoo! User Interface Library here at XTech on Tuesday. There’s so much great stuff in the library that cramming it all in to 45 minutes proved impossible, so I ended up focusing on the utilities (dom, event, connection, animation and dragdrop) and providing an overview of the controls at the end.
[... 141 words]Yahoo! UI JavaScript treats
The Yahoo! Developer Network was updated yesterday with a veritable gold-mine of Exciting New Stuff, coinciding with the launch of the brand new Yahoo! User Interface Blog.
[... 576 words]Yahoo! UI Library. Open Source JavaScript widgets and libraries.
JSON and Yahoo!’s JavaScript APIs
I had the pleasure yesterday of seeing Douglas Crockford speak about JSON, the ultra-simple data interchange format he has been promoting as an alternative to XML. JSON is a subset of JavaScript, based around that language’s array, string and object literal syntax.
[... 240 words]Using JSON with Yahoo! Web Services (via) No more cross-domain script access problems.
Yahoo!’s new twist on mapping APIs
One of the most exciting things I’ve seen at Yahoo! since starting here has finally been made public: the new Yahoo Maps. The map application itself differs from many other recent map sites in being rendered entirely in Flash. This leaves far more scope for interface niceties, but doesn’t it reduce the scope for hacking that made things like Google Maps so much fun?
[... 623 words]Working for Yahoo!
I guess it’s about time I blogged this: Monday was my first official day working for Yahoo! I’ve joined the new Technology Development group, first mentioned by Jeremy Zawodny a couple of months ago. My first assignment is with the Flickr team, where I will be working on some Cool New Stuff. How exciting is that?
[... 82 words]