Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for tutorials

12 posts tagged “tutorials”


Weeknotes: Self-hosted language models with LLM plugins, a new Datasette tutorial, a dozen package releases, a dozen TILs

A lot of stuff to cover from the past two and a half weeks.

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Weeknotes: Parquet in Datasette Lite, various talks, more LLM hacking

I’ve fallen a bit behind on my weeknotes. Here’s a catchup for the last few weeks.

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Exploration de données avec Datasette. One of the great delights of open source development is seeing people run workshops on your project, even more so when they’re in a language other than English! Romain Clement presented this French workshop for the Python Grenoble meetup on 25th May 2023, using GitHub Codespaces as the environment. It’s pretty comprehensive, including a 300,000+ row example table which illustrates Datasette plugins such as datasette-cluster-map and datasette-leaflet-geojson.

# 27th May 2023, 12:36 am / tutorials, datasette, github-codespaces

Using Datasette in GitHub Codespaces. A new Datasette tutorial showing how it can be run inside GitHub Codespaces—GitHub’s browser-based development environments—in order to explore and analyze data. I’ve been using Codespaces to run tutorials recently and it’s absolutely fantastic, because it puts every tutorial attendee on a level playing field with respect to their development environments.

# 24th February 2023, 12:40 am / tutorials, datasette, github, github-codespaces


Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette (via) I wrote a new tutorial for the Datasette website, showing how to use sqlite-utils to import a CSV file, clean up the resulting schema, fix date formats and extract some of the columns into a separate table. It’s accompanied by a ten minute video originally recorded for the HYTRADBOI conference.

# 31st July 2022, 7:57 pm / tutorials, sqlite-utils, datasette, documentation


JMeter Result Analysis using Datasette (via) NaveenKumar Namachivayam wrote a detailed tutorial on using Datasette (on Windows) and csvs-to-sqlite to analyze the results of JMeter performance test runs and then publish them online using Vercel.

# 1st February 2021, 4:42 am / tutorials, datasette


Making Datasets Fly with Datasette and Fly (via) It’s always exciting to see a Datasette tutorial that wasn’t written by me! This one is great—it shows how to load Central Park Squirrel Census data into a SQLite database, explore it with Datasette and then publish it to the Fly hosting platform using datasette-publish-fly and datasette-cluster-map.

# 26th March 2020, 11:56 pm / tutorials, datasette, fly


What are the best free tutorials on HTML5?

Dive Into HTML5 and HTML5 Rocks are both outstanding.


What are the best books/tutorials to begin learning about memcached?

There isn’t really enough of memcached to justify a whole book—it’s a pretty straight-forward API.

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maps from scratch. An idea whose time has come: using EC2 AMIs for tutorial sessions to give everyone a pre-configured environment.

# 15th March 2009, 1:20 pm / tutorials, ec2, cloud-computing, michal-migurski, mapping



Learning jQuery. An entire year’s worth of jQuery tutorials, split in to beginner, intermediate and advanced.

# 17th August 2007, 11:50 am / learningjquery, jquery, javascript, tutorials