12 posts tagged “tutorials”
Weeknotes: Self-hosted language models with LLM plugins, a new Datasette tutorial, a dozen package releases, a dozen TILs
A lot of stuff to cover from the past two and a half weeks.
[... 1,742 words]Weeknotes: Parquet in Datasette Lite, various talks, more LLM hacking
I’ve fallen a bit behind on my weeknotes. Here’s a catchup for the last few weeks.
[... 769 words]Exploration de données avec Datasette. One of the great delights of open source development is seeing people run workshops on your project, even more so when they’re in a language other than English! Romain Clement presented this French workshop for the Python Grenoble meetup on 25th May 2023, using GitHub Codespaces as the environment. It’s pretty comprehensive, including a 300,000+ row example table which illustrates Datasette plugins such as datasette-cluster-map and datasette-leaflet-geojson.
Using Datasette in GitHub Codespaces. A new Datasette tutorial showing how it can be run inside GitHub Codespaces—GitHub’s browser-based development environments—in order to explore and analyze data. I’ve been using Codespaces to run tutorials recently and it’s absolutely fantastic, because it puts every tutorial attendee on a level playing field with respect to their development environments.
Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette (via) I wrote a new tutorial for the Datasette website, showing how to use sqlite-utils to import a CSV file, clean up the resulting schema, fix date formats and extract some of the columns into a separate table. It’s accompanied by a ten minute video originally recorded for the HYTRADBOI conference.
JMeter Result Analysis using Datasette (via) NaveenKumar Namachivayam wrote a detailed tutorial on using Datasette (on Windows) and csvs-to-sqlite to analyze the results of JMeter performance test runs and then publish them online using Vercel.
Making Datasets Fly with Datasette and Fly (via) It’s always exciting to see a Datasette tutorial that wasn’t written by me! This one is great—it shows how to load Central Park Squirrel Census data into a SQLite database, explore it with Datasette and then publish it to the Fly hosting platform using datasette-publish-fly and datasette-cluster-map.
What are the best books/tutorials to begin learning about memcached?
There isn’t really enough of memcached to justify a whole book—it’s a pretty straight-forward API.
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maps from scratch. An idea whose time has come: using EC2 AMIs for tutorial sessions to give everyone a pre-configured environment.
Django snippets: Orderable inlines using drag and drop with jQuery UI. Code example from my PyCon tutorial on customising the Django admin interface.
Learning jQuery. An entire year’s worth of jQuery tutorials, split in to beginner, intermediate and advanced.