Simon Willison’s Weblog


40 items tagged “orm”


DbMigration—a schema migration tool for Django. Nice and simple tool for adding schema migrations to a Django application.

# 27th September 2007, 3:04 pm / django, orm, djangoorm, migrations, sql, python

django-sphinx (via) More code from Curse Gaming; this time a really nice API for adding Sphinx full-text search to a Django model.

# 9th September 2007, 12:35 am / django, python, orm, search, sphinx-search, fulltext, cursegaming, david-cramer

AuditTrail. Add change tracking and history to a Django model with a single line of code. Doesn’t handle relationships though, which is definitely the toughest part of this problem.

# 15th August 2007, 1 pm / django, orm, history, audittrail, python

Finding Lookup Items that Are Not Used. How to do left outer joins (and other custom SQL) using the Django ORM.

# 13th August 2007, 5:08 pm / django, orm, sql, michaeltrier, python

A nice example of when to use reduce in python. As a shortcut for assembling a large OR query using the Django ORM.

# 2nd August 2007, 11:51 pm / orm, django, reduce, python

Undelete in Django. Inspired by the conversation about undo the other day, Nathan Ostgard created a simple solution based around custom managers and a trashed_at model field.

# 20th July 2007, 6:54 pm / orm, custommanagers, django, nathan-ostgard, undelete, undo, python

Storm. New Python ORM from Canonical, emphasising multiple database support, intelligent local cache invalidation and a thin layer over the underlying SQL.

# 9th July 2007, 8:44 am / sql, orm, storm, canonical, python

SELECT * FROM everything, or why databases are awesome. I’m beginning to think that for scalable applications the thinner your ORM is the better—if you even use one at all.

# 22nd June 2007, 12:40 am / rails, orm, blaine-cook, scaling, twitter, databases, sql

Data::ObjectDriver. Benjamin Trott’s Perl ORM, with built in support for both caching and data partitioning. I think this is what Six Apart uses for Vox.

# 25th February 2007, 12:43 am / ben-trott, sixapart, vox, orm, perl, scaling