7 posts tagged “airtable”
Budgeting with ChatGPT (via) Jon Callahan describes an ingenious system he set up to categorize his credit card transactions using GPT 3.5. He has his bank email him details of any transaction over $0, then has an email filter to forward those to Postmark, which sends them via a JSON webhook to a custom Deno Deploy app which cleans the transaction up with a GPT 3.5 prompt (including guessing the merchant) and submits the results to a base in Airtable.
Porting VaccinateCA to Django
As I mentioned back in February, I’ve been working with the VaccinateCA project to try to bring the pandemic to an end a little earlier by helping gather as accurate a model as possible of where the Covid vaccine is available in California and how people can get it.
[... 2,157 words]The Airtable formulas at the heart of everything
While working on building a Counties.json API endpoint for VIAL I realized I wasn’t entirely sure how the “Total reports” and “Yeses” numbers in this piece of JSON were calculated:
[... 323 words]Importing data from Airtable into Django, plus a search engine for all our code
I made a bunch of progress on the Django backend prototype-that-soon-won’t-be-a-prototype today.
[... 935 words]2020
Weeknotes: airtable-export, generating screenshots in GitHub Actions, Dogsheep!
This week I figured out how to populate Datasette from Airtable, wrote code to generate social media preview card page screenshots using Puppeteer, and made a big breakthrough with my Dogsheep project.
[... 1,461 words]airtable-export. I wrote a command-line utility for exporting data from Airtable and dumping it to disk as YAML, JSON or newline delimited JSON files. This means you can backup an Airtable database from a GitHub Action and get a commit history of changes made to your data.
Off the shelf question database/management system for repeated surveys?
I’ve been using Airtable for some personal projects recently and I could not be more impressed with it. It makes building a relatively sophisticated database trivial, the collaboration features are outstanding (live updates, full history tracking on everything) and it’s fully cross platform—I’ve designed new databases on my iPhone!
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