Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged async

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Weeknotes: Parallel SQL queries for Datasette, plus some middleware tricks

A promising new performance optimization for Datasette, plus new datasette-gzip and datasette-total-page-time plugins.

[... 1534 words]

Finding and reporting an asyncio bug in Python 3.10

I found a bug in Python 3.10 today! Some notes on how I found it and my process for handling it once I figured out what was going on.

[... 1789 words]

datasette-ripgrep: deploy a regular expression search engine for your source code

This week I built datasette-ripgrep—a web application for running regular expression searches against source code, built on top of the amazing ripgrep command-line tool.

[... 1362 words]

The “await me maybe” pattern for Python asyncio

I’ve identified a pattern for handling potentially-asynchronous callback functions in Python which I’m calling the “await me maybe” pattern. It works by letting you return a value, a callable function that returns a value OR an awaitable function that returns that value.

[... 787 words]

Deploying an asynchronous Python microservice with Sanic and Zeit Now

Back in 2008 Natalie Downe and I deployed what today we would call a microservice: json-head, a tiny Google App Engine app that allowed you to make an HTTP head request against a URL and get back the HTTP headers as JSON. One of our initial use-scase for this was Natalie’s addSizes.js, an unobtrusive jQuery script that could annotate links to PDFs and other large files with their corresponding file size pulled from the Content-Length header. Another potential use-case is detecting broken links, since the API can be used to spot 404 status codes (as in this example).

[... 1361 words]

Node.js is genuinely exciting

I gave a talk on Friday at Full Frontal, a new one day JavaScript conference in my home town of Brighton. I ended up throwing away my intended topic (JSONP, APIs and cross-domain security) three days before the event in favour of a technology which first crossed my radar less than two weeks ago.

[... 2009 words]