Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged urls

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WordPress 2.3: Canonical URLs. Fantastic to hear that WordPress 2.3 supports this, and that they picked the right terminology for it (I’ve called the same thing “disambiguated URLs” in the past). # 27th September 2007, 2:03 pm

The biggest mistake I made in Leonardo was making “foo” and “foo/” mean the same thing.

James Tauber # 29th August 2007, 8:52 pm

Disambiguated URLs with Ruby on Rails. Using before_filter to remove trailing slashes and a few lines of lighttpd configuration to kill the www. # 24th July 2007, 3:18 pm

Lacking a Strunk and White Elements of Style for URI namespace, we’ve made a mess of it. It’s long past time to grow up and recognize the serious importance of principled design in this infinitely large namespace.

Jon Udell # 24th May 2007, 4:38 pm (via) Great URL. # 20th May 2007, 10:12 pm

Encyclopedia of Life. Ambitious, well funded project to create a professionally maintained Wikipedia for species. I really hope they get their URL design right. # 13th May 2007, 10:46 am

People don’t recognize how important URIs are. The notion that you have a huge, world-scale, information space, and that everything in it has an name and they’re all just short strings that you can paint on the side of a bus; that’s a new thing and a good thing.

Tim Bray # 2nd May 2007, 8:23 pm

Permalink Redirect WordPress Plugin (via) Neat WordPress plugin that forces a redirect to an item’s permalink if the URL has any extra crud in it. # 2nd March 2007, 12:49 am

.php? .cgi? .who-cares? J-P Stacey argues that “URLs need to be hackable by the developer as well as by the user”. There’s certainly room for improvement in keeping complex URL structures maintainable from a server-side developer’s perspective. # 9th February 2007, 1:01 am

There’s an unfortunate side-effect to altogether eliminating the sub-domain name from your site URLs [...] Every cookie you may want to set for that site will automatically “bleed” down to *all* sub-domain-based websites you might want to add later.

Már Örlygsson # 6th February 2007, 12:01 am

Adam Vandenberg on disambiguated URLs. He was fighting for cache-friendly URLs at Encarta Online way back in 1998. # 4th February 2007, 5:18 pm

www. is deprecated. I wouldn’t go as far to say avoid www—just as long as you pick one and redirect the other. # 4th February 2007, 2 pm

Why you should be using disambiguated URLs

Good URLs are important. The best URLs are readable, reliable and hackable.

[... 553 words]

How many taps in a URL? Designing URLs for entry on a mobile phone. # 12th December 2006, 12:28 pm