Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 30th September 2024

But in terms of the responsibility of journalism, we do have intense fact-checking because we want it to be right. Those big stories are aggregations of incredible journalism. So it cannot function without journalism. Now, we recheck it to make sure it's accurate or that it hasn't changed, but we're building this to make jokes. It's just we want the foundations to be solid or those jokes fall apart. Those jokes have no structural integrity if the facts underneath them are bullshit.

John Oliver

# 4:08 pm / journalism, comedy

llama-3.2-webgpu (via) Llama 3.2 1B is a really interesting models, given its 128,000 token input and its tiny size (barely more than a GB).

This page loads a 1.24GB q4f16 ONNX build of the Llama-3.2-1B-Instruct model and runs it with a React-powered chat interface directly in the browser, using Transformers.js and WebGPU. Source code for the demo is here.

It worked for me just now in Chrome; in Firefox and Safari I got a “WebGPU is not supported by this browser” error message.

# 4:27 pm / ai, webassembly, generative-ai, llama, llms, transformers-js, webgpu

Conflating Overture Places Using DuckDB, Ollama, Embeddings, and More. Drew Breunig's detailed tutorial on "conflation" - combining different geospatial data sources by de-duplicating address strings such as RESTAURANT LOS ARCOS,3359 FOOTHILL BLVD,OAKLAND,94601 and LOS ARCOS TAQUERIA,3359 FOOTHILL BLVD,OAKLAND,94601.

Drew uses an entirely offline stack based around Python, DuckDB and Ollama and finds that a combination of H3 geospatial tiles and mxbai-embed-large embeddings (though other embedding models should work equally well) gets really good results.

# 5:24 pm / gis, python, ai, duckdb, embeddings, drew-breunig, overture

Weeknotes: Three podcasts, two trips and a new plugin system

I fell behind a bit on my weeknotes. Here’s most of what I’ve been doing in September.

[... 693 words]

I listened to the whole 15-minute podcast this morning. It was, indeed, surprisingly effective. It remains somewhere in the uncanny valley, but not at all in a creepy way. Just more in a “this is a bit vapid and phony” way. [...] But ultimately the conversation has all the flavor of a bowl of unseasoned white rice.

John Gruber

# 6:56 pm / john-gruber, podcasts, ai, generative-ai, llms, notebooklm

Bop Spotter (via) Riley Walz: "I installed a box high up on a pole somewhere in the Mission of San Francisco. Inside is a crappy Android phone, set to Shazam constantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's solar powered, and the mic is pointed down at the street below."

Some details on how it works from Riley on Twitter:

The phone has a Tasker script running on loop (even if the battery dies, it’ll restart when it boots again)

Script records 10 min of audio in airplane mode, then comes out of airplane mode and connects to nearby free WiFi.

Then uploads the audio file to my server, which splits it into 15 sec chunks that slightly overlap. Passes each to Shazam’s API (not public, but someone reverse engineered it and made a great Python package). Phone only uses 2% of power every hour when it’s not charging!

# 7:03 pm / android, hardware-hacking, music