Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2006

July 3, 2006

Software Patent Lawsuits Against Open Source Developers (via) Someone has a patent on ORM.

# 8:52 am

Django and Ajax. Django already has all the Ajax support it needs.

# 1:34 pm

15 Things you can do with Yahoo! UI. Dustin’s tricks and hacks with YUI.

# 1:41 pm

July 4, 2006

pytz—World Timezone Definitions for Python. This stuff is surprisingly complicated.

# 9:02 am

July 5, 2006

DeWitt Clinton: On RSS and Atom. Atom is lossless.

# 8:06 am / atom, dewitt-clinton, rss

Don’t serve JSON as text/html. Another sneaky XSS trick.

# 11:46 pm / security, json, xss, http

July 6, 2006

JavaScript Closures for Dummies. Not quite for Dummies as it talks about C pointers, but a valiant attempt.

# 10:01 am

July 7, 2006

Anatomy of a Paypal Phishing Scam. The phishers even get the form validation right.

# 11:04 am

vadm. Source control for server configuration files, built on svn.

# 12:31 pm

RailsConf 2006 Keynote Series. Videos. To watch.

# 12:33 pm

FlashAid. Excellent. I’ve been talking about this for ages; Aral and Jeremy have actually built it.

# 12:40 pm

Holux GPSlim (GR-236) Review. Matt Biddulph has one of these. They’re awesome.

# 1:56 pm / gps, matt-biddulph

July 9, 2006

What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects). Smart wiki tips from the authors of Mind Hacks.

# 11:05 am

July 10, 2006

BackgrounDRb (via) Easy back-end daemons for your Rails apps. Django needs this.

# 4:46 pm

July 13, 2006

Xooglers: This word just in…. Insider insight on the Google-as-a-verb story.

# 12:39 am

July 17, 2006

The Right Way to do Ajax is Declaratively. I wouldn’t say it’s the only right way, but it’s definitely a useful concept.

# 8:11 am

Carousel Component—Documentation. Bill Scott’s latest widget.

# 8:12 am

YUI Library Release 0.11. Forgot to link this last week. Highlights include colour animation and a logger control.

# 8:28 am

CouchSurfing—Participation. Community barn-raising brought back the site after a total backup failure.

# 10:07 am

Driving Mum and Dad Mad—Video. I sat next to this kid on the train last night. He was quite sweet. Glad he was unarmed though...

# 5:39 pm

How the myspace SWF hack worked. If Flash is a vector for XSS, is this the end of Flash badges?

# 6:04 pm / xss, swf, flash, myspace

July 18, 2006

L.A. News Service Sues YouTube Over Beating Video. The first lawsuit with tags (an “idiosyncratic choice of descriptive terms”) as a key concept?

# 5:40 am

TracDev/UnicodeGuidelines. How the Trac developers handle unicode. Includes a good Python-Unicode introduction.

# 6:20 am

S5 Project. Ryan King is running a community development process around Eric Meyer’s S5.

# 6:33 am

How Shellcodes Work. Surprisingly accessible considering the level of detail.

# 7:03 am

Ruby Style Adding Methods to Existing Classes in Python? What’s the best way of doing this?

# 9:12 am

MySpace parser. Tom Dyson’s Python library for screen scraping MySpace profiles, based on Beautiful Soup.

# 2:53 pm

Instant inlining of C/C++ in Python. Really neat API, but depends on SWIG.

# 9:56 pm

2006 » July
