Simon Willison’s Weblog


July 2006

July 28, 2006

Chat rooms could face expulsion—ZDNet. Danah was right about DOPA. This thing’s a catastrophe.

# 8:49 am

DevjaVu—Free, Simple Hosted Trac and Source Control. Currently in pravite beta. One to watch.

# 8:51 am

ClickTale. Using Ajax to “spy” on user mouse movements was inevitable.

# 8:52 am

FRC: Flash-based Rounded Corner. It was only a matter of time...

# 8:59 am

Today is System Administrator Appreciation Day. Thank your sysadmin now!

# 11:19 am

I want my OpenID! Open ID code bounties worth $5,000. Could this kickstart adoption?

# 4:02 pm / openid, bounty, open-source

July 29, 2006

SVG and XHTML: Like oil and water. Getting the two to mix takes a lot more effort than you might think.

# 8:50 am

Watching Beirut die (via) A powerful first-hand report from a US film-maker in the wrong place at the wrong time.

# 9:37 am

Destructuring Assignment with Javascript 1.7. Another useful idiom from Python makes it in to JavaScript.

# 9:45 am

July 30, 2006

Ezboard gets it wrong again. I had no idea ezboard was written in Smalltalk.

# 4:42 pm

Sam Ruby: REXML on Expat. Sam does something frighteningly clever with continuations.

# 9:59 pm

July 31, 2006

A virus for Windows Vista? Wrong. (via) No Monad in Vista. That was the only feature left that I was interested in.

# 8:59 am

HOWTO Avoid Being Called a Bozo When Producing XML. Excellent advice, particularly around character encoding.

# 9:25 am

Thinking XML: Good advice for creating XML (via) Uche Ogbuji’s commentary on the Bozo HOWTO.

# 9:29 am

Beginning JavaScript with DOM Scripting and Ajax: From Novice to Professional. Christian’s book is out. I wrote the foreword.

# 10:43 am has the cutest mascot. It’s a tag!

# 10:51 am

about making things (via) Matt Webb on thinking through making.

# 3:09 pm / matt-webb

Afghanistan 2006—a photoset on Flickr. Ben Hammersley is in Afghanistan.

# 3:24 pm

SpyMedia launches photo bounties and a widget—stillborn in MySpace. The MySpace economy: share-cropping in action.

# 8:45 pm

mySQL DBA (via) Dathan’s MySQL performance tuning blog. He tunes Flickr.

# 9:55 pm

2006 » July
