Simon Willison’s Weblog


March 2005

March 7, 2005

Google Desktop Search SDK. Note the reference to the “long tail of applications and file types”.

# 10:22 pm

March 8, 2005

Not linking is not security. Ridiculous: Harvard rejects applicants who “hacked” by guessing a URL.

# 8:47 pm / security, harvard, outrageous

March 9, 2005

journal []. Paul’s back.

# 8:28 pm / paul-hammond Subversion hosting (via) Subversion and Trac hosting for $20/month.

# 11:56 pm / subversion, trac

March 10, 2005

The unofficial geek guide to getting over yourself at SxSW Interactive 2005. I gotta get me one of those smilie stickers.

# 6:31 am

apophenia: fuck the SXSW etiquette guide (via) Point.... counter-point.

# 6:32 am

Google News, now with customisation (via) Very nice use of drag and drop for the interface.

# 8:22 am

Taming the back button. That most elusive of browser features.

# 7:59 pm

Clearing floats on Quirksmode (via) PPK’s writeup of the new overflow:auto technique.

# 8 pm

The Digital Edition Dirigibles. Worth reading just for the stuff about Zeppelins.

# 8:08 pm

Combining XMLHttpRequest and Rails to Produce More Efficient UIs. Ruby on Rails is setting itself up to be THE framework for Ajax work.

# 8:10 pm

Event Cache. For avoiding memory leaks in Internet Explorer.

# 8:15 pm

Fadomatic—DHTML opacity effect. Can you tell I’m clearing out my tabs before departing for SxSW?

# 8:16 pm

A simple introduction to 3 column layouts. Nice CSS tutorial.

# 8:16 pm

A CSS styled calendar. More CSS goodness.

# 8:16 pm

voice of humanity: The Annotated Web. I need to read this for my final year project.

# 8:17 pm

SxSW Interactive. See you all in Austin!

# 8:18 pm

March 11, 2005

Fixing Paul Graham’s Footnotes

I’m a big fan of Paul Graham’s essays, the latest of which is How to Start a Startup. There’s just one niggling problem with them: Paul makes extensive use of footnotes, but provides no way of jumping from the reference in the text to the footnote at the bottom of the page and back up again. Instead, you have to manually down to the bottom of the article and back up again every time you hit a footnote reference.

[... 172 words]

March 15, 2005

Making Light: Virtual panel participation. Excellent thinking on the subject of online community moderation.

# 9:38 pm / moderation

March 18, 2005

Choice SxSW quotes

My American adventure is ongoing; I’m still in Austin at the moment, but I’ll be off to Washington D.C. in a few days and there’s a small chance I’ll get there via Dallas. This doesn’t leave much opportunity for online shenanigans, but there were a few things from SxSW that really needed a mention. The conference, as ever, was awesome—if not for the panels then certainly for the socialising. If anything I stretched myself too thin this year trying to keep up with the Brit Pack, the WaSP crew, some ex-colleagues from Lawrence and the people I met in San Francisco back in May.

[... 383 words]

Nifty Corners. Rounded corners with no images and no crufty markup (JavaScript required).

# 2 am

Google Code. An online home for Google’s open source projects.

# 2:02 am

Usable Security: Look Beyond the “Fundamental Conflict”. Security and usability are not conflicting goals.

# 2:27 am / usability, security, ka-ping-yee

sxsw: leveraging solipsism. A write-up of one of the many excellent panels I missed.

# 2:37 am

Microformats could describe online news intelligently. Adrian’s been thinking about micro formats and online news.

# 5:42 pm

March 21, 2005

Just how much power does Google need? And will they use the Columbia River for water cooling?

# 5:38 pm

Strongbad scares Chapman. Great photo from the Home Star Runner panel at SxSW.

# 5:39 pm

March 22, 2005

The State of the Scripting Universe. More buzz for dynamic languages.

# 2:59 pm

One hundred words for snow. More on the Ajax naming debate. A name is a powerful thing.

# 3:08 pm

Beautiful photo on Flickr. Spotted via the iraq tag feed.

# 3:09 pm

2005 » March
